Archive for the ‘zooey deschanel’ Category

She & Him : Even More Beautiful and Heartbreaking When Unplugged

July 28, 2008

Sometimes songs, great songs, can be far more effective when performed with voice and minimal instrumental accompaniment. That’s the test of a truly great song, does it sound as good with one guitar in your bedroom as it does through the studio monitors?

This song passes with flying colors: actually, it never even caught my ear on the record, but man is this version of it amazing. Zooey’s voice is such a nice throwback, and Matt is great as always.

[mp3] She & Him – You Really Got a Hold On Me (Live – Acoustic on Mtv Canada)

She & Him (M. Ward+Zooey Deschanel) : Volume One

March 24, 2008

Okay, when I first heard about the grammatically challenged project that is She & Him, I completely and totally lost it. M. Ward, according to my Last.Fm is the artist I listen to more than anyone else, and Zooey Deschanel is, according to anyone who knows me, a point of relentless obsession.

Fast forward to now: the record is out, the press shots are available, the tour is rumored, and things are in full swing. I love this record, more than I’ve loved something in quite some time. The songs are literally from another time, sure people throw around the “70’s am pop” and “Golden-era pop” labels a lot but this is the real deal. The songs would fit easily on time life collection of Sounds of the Fifties without being noticed.

My only regret: where’d Matt go? The project was billed as a collaboration, and frankly that may be a little misleading. M’s vocals are few and far between, keeping himself busy playing and helping produce the effort. Don’t get me wrong, that’s fine! Zooey is a really great songwriter and has a wonderfully pleasing voice, but I definitely wouldn’t mind hearing a little bit more of the cigarettes & whiskey timbre of Mr. Matt Ward’s golden vocal chords. Overall I give it an awesome out of five stars.

[mp3] She & Him – I Was Made for You

Buy She & Him: Volume One now.