Archive for the ‘via audio’ Category

Backstage Sessions : The First Ten Episodes – An Audio Recap

July 7, 2008

I realized today that the posting of the second installment of our session with Ingrid Michaelson marks our tenth episode of The Backstage Sessions. I know some of you have not yet hopped on board, so I wanted to post a little easy to download sampler zip. The zip contains my favorite performance from each of our sessions, and for your convenience you can also download each track individually. Of course you can see the HD video of these performances and grab the mp3’s not included on the mix by clicking on that shiny “Backstage Sessions” tab above you.

Don’t worry, we’re still in full-swing, I’m actually working on editing the wonderful Centro-matic session as we speak for your consumption.

[Zip] Hard to Find a Friend’s Backstage Sessions Sampler [Episodes 1-10]

[mp3] The Lonely H – Rollin’
[mp3] Headlights – Towers
[mp3] The Whigs – Like a Vibration
[mp3] Bon Iver – Creature Fear
[mp3] Fleet Foxes – Katie Cruel
[mp3] John Vanderslice – Numbered Lithograph
[mp3] Via Audio – Lizard
[mp3] Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin – Oceanographer
[mp3] Sea Wolf – Middle Distance Runner
[mp3] Ingrid Michaelson – The Way I am

See & Hear more Backstage Sessions here

What do you think of the series so far?

Via Audio & Someone Still Loves you Boris Yeltsin : Hard to Find a Friend’s Backstage Sessions

May 12, 2008

Via Audio & Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin
The Hi-Tone
Memphis, Tn
April 29, 2008

This was the funnest session we’ve ever done. We spent 2 days in Memphis: seeing movies, trying to find vegetarian food (apparently hard to do in Memphis – one girl responded with “yeah, we have salad…and chicken), going to the park, Stax, and watching music. The sessions were crazy, Via Audio & SSLYBY performing each other’s songs together as a super group of sorts, banging on pots and pans, cheese graters, basketballs, guitars, and singing into fans. We shot a lot of footage which we’ll edit into a mini-doc of sorts soon. There are also some fun covers to enjoy below…

Lizard [Via Audio – unreleased]

Stream the HD version here

[mp3] Via Audio & Someone Still Loves you Boris Yeltin- Lizard [Live – Backstage Session]

I Can’t Focus [Via Audio]

Stream the HD version here!

[mp3] Via Audio & Someone Still Loves you Boris Yeltin- I Can’t Focus [Live – Backstage Session

Oceanographer [Someone Still Loves you Boris Yeltsin]

Stream the HD version here!

[mp3] Someone Still Loves you Boris Yeltsin & Via Audio – Oceanographer [Live – Backstage Session]

The Beach Song [Someone Still Loves you Boris Yeltsin]

Stream the HD version here!

[mp3] Someone Still Loves you Boris Yeltsin & Via Audio – The Beach Song [Live – Backstage Session]

Heart Shaped Box [Nirvana Cover]

Stream the HD version here!

NOTE: Vimeo seems to be confused and saying the video does not exist: it does. Click on the HD link to watch it.

[mp3] Someone Still Loves you Boris Yeltsin & Via Audio – Heart Shaped Box (Nirvana) [Live – Backstage Session]

Bonus mp3:
[mp3] Via Audio & Someone Still Loves you Boris Yeltsin – Weird Fishes (Radiohead)


Buy Via Audio Records
Buy Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin Records

We’re back + Thank you

April 30, 2008

Well friends, finally back from Memphis. We barely made it home; Interstate 40 is a lonely road in the early a.m. hours and it took a driver change, but we’re here and mostly good.

You gave us 100 percent of the hosting money + $30. Holy something, thank you so very much. I’m going to throw the 30 bucks into the Peace on Earth pool for Toys for Tots. You’re all amazing. I thank you all so very much. It’s so nice to know people care about this site so much. I wiped a single tear.

Speaking of Peace on Earth, we’re doing that again this year, though it will likely be titled something different for clarity’s sake. I’m starting work on that soon. Speaking of all of this, SSLYBY & Via Audio (who both made songs for you last year) were great beyond belief. It’s truly a shame that every one of you couldn’t have seen that tour. I can’t reccomend checking out either one on their own enough though. Via Audio plays tonight in Bowling Green & tommorow in Athens, OH. SSLYBY is taking a break before going back out on the west coast. See their dates here.

We played frisbee in the park and played lots of songs backstage. Together, like a supergroup. There were 2 covers, one of which went down on stage. We got a lot of footage and taped all the backstage action as well as recording the sets which you’ll be able to hear provided record labels do not interfere.

We love you.

[mp3] Ben Folds – You to Thank
[mp3] Silver Jews – Wild Kindness

[mp3] Someone Still Loves you Boris Yeltsin – Bigger Than Yr Yard
[mp3] Via Audio – I Can’t Focus

Via Audio sort of coming to Nashville

April 22, 2008

Here’s the deal. I know a lot of Nashville readers really love Via Audio and they’ve yet to play a show in our fair city. That is sort of changing next week. Via Audio is playing the Bread & Bagel in Bowling Green, Kentucky to break up their drive home from Memphis to Brooklyn. That’s a long drive, MUCH longer than it will take your lazy butt to drive to Bowling Green. Seriously, it’s ONE hour from Nashville, straight shot up the interstate!

Don’t dissapoint me here, I procured this show in hopes they would play to some Nashville/BG fans who don’t otherwise have the chance and make money to eat lunch on the way home, there better be a lot of Nashvillians there! If you don’t know how to get to the Bread & Bagel (not hard) I have a feeling Google Maps does. Official show info is below, and this one is all ages so you bring your little brothers and sisters and money to buy t-shirts (gas is 4 dollars a gallon and they have to drive from Memphis to Brooklyn)

Via Audio
4.30 (Next Wednesday)
Bread & Bagel
871 Broadway, Bowling Green, KY
$5 / All Ages
8 PM

[mp3] Via Audio – Oh Blah Wee (Daytrotter)

Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin + Via Audio Tour!

March 11, 2008

Seriously: if you only go to one show this spring: make it Radiohead. If you go to two, make it one of these! The band who made my favorite record of last year (the latter) and the band who made my favorite album of this year (the former) are going on tour! What good did I do to deserve this? I’ll see you at the Atlanta and Memphis dates, kiddos.

Below are two early version’s of tracks from the forthcoming SSLYBY LP, Pershing (Polyvinyl – April 8)

[mp3] Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin – Dead Right (Live on WRUR)
[mp3] Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin – Boring Fountain (Early Demo)

The Dates
04-12 Columbia, MO – The Blue Note *
04-15 Indianapolis, IN – Locals Only *
04-16 Chicago, IL – Empty Bottle *
04-18 Toronto, Ontario – El Mocambo *
04-19 Montreal, Quebec – TBA *
04-20 Allston, MA – Great Scott *
04-21 Brooklyn, NY – Union Hall *
04-22 New York, NY – Mercury Lounge *
04-23 Philadelphia, PA – Johnny Brenda’s *
04-24 Washington, DC – Black Cat Backstage *
04-26 Charleston, SC – The Map Room *
04-27 Atlanta, GA – The Earl *
04-29 Memphis, TN – Hi-Tone Cafe *

Buy Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin & Via Audio records at insound, yo!

Indie Rock Votes : 2008

February 5, 2008

Well, friends today is the day! For those of us who reside in the United States today is “Super Tuesday,” that is the day on which twenty-four states hold their Presidential primaries. After today we should have a somewhat accurate idea of who will be on the real ballot in November. I myself make no secret in pulling for Barack Obama. I won’t divulge why here, and I certainly won’t chastise you, should your opinion differ from mine. I do, however, strongly encourage, no, beg of you to exercise your right to vote today. If you’re not sure where or when you can vote, go here to find out.

I asked some friends who they’d be pulling for and you can read their answers below!

Chris WallaSolo artist, producer, and guitarist/co-founder of Death Cab for Cutie –
“Barack Obama. Audacious indeed!”
[mp3] Chris Walla – Make Way For the New Times

Bob AndrewsArtist Manager / Undertow Music (David Bazan, Centro-matic, Jesse Harris) –
Barack Obama represents a much needed shift in this country. If I may use Bob
Dylan to help explain: For the past 20 years we have been “Only a Pawn
In Their Game,” but now I am more optimistic than ever because “The Times They Are A- Changin’.”

Molly ChanceArtist Manager / Undertow Music (Damien Jurado, J. Tillman) –
Mike Huckabee – A seemingly great guy, and the only candidate I have ever financially supported and literally campaigned for. It’s a bummer the pundits have all but pushed him out of qualification. He’s an excellent candidate who would make some sweeping and necessary changes to health care, education, and the tax code, not to mention the way Washington does business. He’s continued to be a very viable candidate as far as delegate numbers and polling go, but unfortunately the media and the money will probably have their say.

Matt LunsfordCo-President of Polyvinyl Recording Co. (Of Montreal, Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin, Aloha, Architecture in Helsinki) –
“I am definitely going for [Barack] Obama of my home state of Illinois!”

Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin – (Singer/Songwriter/Drummer/Guitarist Phillip Dickey) – “I’ll be writing in a vote for Bill Pullman.”
Someone Still Loves you Boris Yeltsin – We Can Win Missouri!

Van RikerBarsuk Records (Death Cab for Cutie, The Long Winters, Menomena, David Bazan)
“I’m Pro Edwards at the Moment.”

David Bazan – (David Bazan, Pedro the Lion) –

“I’m not sure who I’m voting for yet. I guess it’s between Obama and Edwards, I’ve got some more reading to do.”
David Bazan – Backwoods Nation

TW Walsh – Songwriter, Drummer, & Engineer –
“I practice political abstinence. If I had a gun to my head I’d probably vote for Kucinich. I like Ron Paul but he’s said some questionable things regarding race, and he’s a religious zealot, which is a real wild card.”

Via Audio – Seriously & totally awesome band from Brooklyn
Via Audio supports Barack Obama. We as a band believe that Obama will encourage a positive change in economic, environmental, international and foreign policies and pull America out of its current decline.

Fleet Foxes(As declared by Vocalist, Songwriter & guitarist Robin Pecknold)
The fact that next January we could be swearing in either a woman or an African-American is so exciting. Hilary is wise and the thought of Bill Clinton as First Husband makes my heart swell – Obama is super inspirational and both would represent a huge step forward for the collective American subconscious. It’s a pretty rote perspective for a musician to take but it’s the truth.

A noted (i assure you) musicianwho was asked to be quoted under anonymity
“I guess either Huckabee or Thompson since I live in Tennessee…, I’m kidding, I don’t vote.”