Archive for the ‘The silver seas’ Category

I don’t want to complicate it, I just wanna play my songs

May 8, 2008

There are some bands that I can forgive for blatantly wearing their influences on their sleeves, because they do it too well for me to care. One of these bands, a recent discovery, is The Silver Seas. I’d heard the name alot, apparently they’re fellow Nashvillians, but I’d never paid it any attention for whatever reason. Then I heard the song Country Life – oh my god, does it get better than this in a pop song? I don’t think so. Big, reverberating 12 string guitars, claps, a real life bridge, and a harmony section that would make the early 70s very jealous.

[mp3] The Silver Seas – Country Life
[mp3] The Silver Seas – Broadway Lights