Archive for the ‘The Racounters’ Category

The Raconteurs & Pete Townshed? Yes, please.

March 27, 2008

I’m not sure how, but somehow of all of Pete Townshed’s “Attic Jams,” The Raconteurs contribution was the only one to slip under my radar. I was in the mood and digging around for something good to post in celebration of their lovely new record (available now), and since Web Sheriff has been patrolling for any album content (clearly that makes fans want to buy records) I needed something different.

It’s pretty great, this one. I mean, Pete Townshed slipped up on the reuinted Who album, it was bad. But this one is just the good old days, sans the rest of the Who + The ‘Teurs. Jack sounds good singing classic rock (naturally), and Benson sounds nice singing anything.

[mp3] The Raconteurs & Pete Townshed- The Seeker (The Who)

What to Buy : March 25, 2008

March 25, 2008

In what will be a regular feature around these parts, I will now recommend some smart ways to spend your music budget this week on new releases. The nice part: we’re not paid by any corporate slime to do this so if there’s nothing worth buying, I’ll just tell you to spend it on sandwiches or something. Here we go!

The Raconteurs – Consolers of The Lonely
Following the Radiohead model, sort of, The Raconteurs announced their album was coming out today – last Tuesday. This plan was somewhat foiled unlike Radiohead though, when the geniuses at iTunes leaked the album by placing it for sale earlier this week. Still, go to your local indie record store and pick it up (CD/Vinyl), or just buy it at insound.

[mp3] The Racounters – Broken Boy Soldier

The Jesus & Mary Chain – Psychocandy (Reissue)
If you don’t have this one, you’re an idiot, but that can easily be changed! You can find the cheaply priced remastered & reissued version in the new release section tomorrow. Find out where all of your favorite bands drew inspiration from. Yes, I remember the j-a-m-c. Buy it!

[mp3] The Jesus & Mary Chain – Just Like Honey