Archive for the ‘remix’ Category

MGMT – Electric Feel (James Rutledge Remix)

July 15, 2008

Now this is a fun little remix. I’m sure we’ll disagree since me and my readers seem to think the exact opposite of each other when it comes to all things danceable but oh well. There’s not too much changed about the song itself which I feel is important but the beat is altered a little bit, the vocals are a little faster and higher which give them a sort of MJ feel and it’s all around a pretty fun one to listen to.

[mp3] MGMT – Electric Feel (James Rutledge Remix)

Some remixes I can actually stand

July 9, 2008

I’ve mentioned several times that I am not a huge fan of remixes, dance music, or any related sub-genres. From time to time however, I get in an extremely rare mood to be serenaded by glitchy electronic beats, processed vocals, and people who make a lot of money for being good at copying and pasting. In such times of need, I usually turn to one of the following gems of fun, frivolity, and general danceability.

[mp3] Beck – Broken Drum (Boards of Canada Remix)
[mp3] Amy Winehouse – You Know I’m No Good
[mp3] The Little Ones – Lovers Who Uncover (Crystal Castles Remix)
[mp3] Death From Above 1979 – Romantic Rights (Dahlback Remix)
[mp3] The Postal Service – Nothing Better (Styrofoam Remix)
[mp3] Stars – Sleep Tonight (Junior Boys Remix)

LCD Soundsystem + MGMT = All My Children

April 15, 2008

Here’s another great remix from Immuzikation for your sunny afternoon. It’s pretty wonderful, too. LCD Soundystem is sort of a saving grace in their genre to me: in a world of leather wearing, french cigarette smoking, mustachioed hipsters, James Murphy’s chubby sloppiness is the most wonderful thing imaginable, and the pairing with the MGMT track here is pretty perfect.

[mp3] LCD Soundsystem / MGMT – All My Children

I couldn’t be more behind on my scene dj/dance acts

March 28, 2008

Seriously, not if i tried, where did they all come from? But I do really, really, really enjoy this remix of The Little One’s fantastic Lovers Who Uncover by Crystal Castles. I don’t know anything about Crystal Castles, but it’s a good thing they own these really cool synths that make songs you already liked sound cooler at 2:00 am!

[mp3] The Little Ones / Crystal Castles – Lovers Who Uncover (Remix)