Archive for the ‘REM’ Category

Wait, you’re really surprised Michael Stipe is gay?

March 20, 2008

So a few days ago Stereogum breaks how REM frontman Michael Stipe is officially gay….and people freak out sort of. Really? I mean, in the history of secretly gay gay people, Michael Stipe is the most obvious there is. That’s not even to speak of the fact that one stereogum commenter pointed out that he actually officially came out in 2001.

FURTHERMORE, none of this should matter. Gay or not, Stipe is still making pretty great music, and you can buy his band’s new record on April 1. So stop being surprised at something you should’ve already known and go look for a leak of Accelerate

I can’t confirm, but I heard Elton John MIGHT be gay too.

[mp3] REM – Leaving New York