Archive for the ‘pseudosix’ Category

Now we’re living under the waves.

June 13, 2008

I realized today that I never told you guys about Pseudosix. My fault, entirely, really sorry about that. About 6 months ago a friend ichat transfered me the song Under The Waves and I was instantly hooked on the Portlander’s with the 1994 Alt.Rock sounding name. They’re not 1994 alt rock though, their newest and self-titled record sounds something like a hybrid between Pavement’s later days, and Wilco’s Sky Blue Sky, only with way more attention to detail than either of the aforementioned and filled with mysterious percussion, the occasional string section, and some of the strongest riffing I’ve heard in recent memory. Under The Waves starts with a familiar action/adventure score-like riff, which sets the tone for an insistent shaker’s pairing with a tightly brushed snare drum. After that everything is a daze for three minutes; your foot can’t stop tapping, your fingers can’t stop air-fretting, it’s just not possible!

Oh an bonus points for the one with the Tecate up there looking like Wilson from House.

[mp3] Pseudosix – Under the Waves

Buy Pseudosix here

Bonus mp3:
Phosphorescent – The Waves at Night