Archive for the ‘oxford collapse’ Category

Harvard Law : RIAA’s Lawsuits Are Unconstitutional

October 31, 2008

Some interesting news for those of us who care about the scary, behind-the-curtain dealings of the sinking ships that are the major labels. Harvard Law, a notable and esteemed college as I’m sure you know, which has produced many a great mind, has said that the RIAA’s recent file-sharing lawsuits are unconstitutional.

I must say those smarty-pants ivy leaguer’s make some very good points, and it’s pretty funny to not that the RIAA has never bothered to sue a Harvard student, as the university, it’s professors, and it’s law school specifically have pledged to make them pay should they chose to attempt to do so.

That’s punk rock.

[mp3] Gillian Welch – Lawman’s Gonna Kill My Honey Dead (Live)
[mp3] Oxford Collapse – Lover Lawyers