Archive for the ‘othis’ Category

Nashville : Ohtis, Prussia, & Lylas @ The End Tonight!

August 20, 2008

Whatever you’re doing tonight, it’s not as important as seeing Nashville’s best band that could accurately call themselves something with “folk” in a genre description play with one of my favorite bands in the world – Ohtis. You might remember Ohtis from their track on Peace on Earth last year (for download below in case you forgot), they are truly one of my favorite bands in the entire world, and I’d imagine the pride of their native Bloomington/Normal, Illinois. They also happen to be touring with a great band from Detroit who does not play garage rock called Prussia who you can see tonight as well. Like always at The End, it begins around 9, and will likely cost 5 dollars. Please come out and say hi to Ohtis and Prussia who are far from home and buy a shirt or a cd. You can also see them on a few more shows this mini-tour. See you then!

[mp3] Ohtis – American Christians
[mp3] Lylas – Call Her Home