Archive for the ‘of montreal’ Category

I really, really, really like the new Of Montreal Song

August 6, 2008

There are a lot of Of Montreal haters out there – I should know, because I am guilty of being one of them over the past few years. “The theatrics took place of the music” I cried, “Indie rock shouldn’t used to be sell steaks,” others said (I mostly just said “That’s nice, Kevin Barnes can buy a house now,” about that one). But, the point here is this – Of Montreal, despite their theatrics, their body paint, their cross dressing, and general homo-eroticness which creeps some people out (though none of them put the homo in homo-erotic so far as I know, to be clear) should all be ignored anyways for what it is – a gimmick. A way to make people turn on Conan and say “Who is this, they’re crazy!” And if that was the goal, then consider it a success boys, because people have started to take notice. But, dear reader, please don’t miss the music here, especially the new single Id Engager from the upcoming OM LP Skeletal Lamping. It’s danceable in all the best ways with an up and down melody that gets stuck in your head (and your toes). Enjoy it for what it is.

[mp3] Of Montreal – Id Engager
[mp3] Of Montreal – It’s Easy To Sleep When You’re Dead

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