Archive for the ‘noise pop’ Category

Noise Pop 2008 Final Lineup

January 31, 2008

Noise Pop announced today the addition of M. Ward / Zooey Deschanel, White Denim, Working for a Nuclear Free City, Quasi, and The Rosebuds. Shaping up to be my most jealousy-enducing fest yet this year. Too bad air to San Francisco is so expensive. Also appearing: M. Ward / Zooey Deschanel, White Denim, Quasi, The Rosebuds, Blitzen Trapper, Fleet Foxes, Magnetic Fields, Holy Fuck, Stellastarr, Birdmonster, Human Giant, The Mountain Goats, Film School, Helio Sequence, Cursive, Port O’Brien, David Dondero, Delta Spirit, Mstrkrft, & MORE

What’s Cooler: Wolfgang’s Vault, who recently purchased Daytrotter, will offer some free and exclusive audio and video from the fest for those of us who can’t make it. Thanks, technology.

[mp3] The Rosebuds – Kick in the Schoolyard
[mp3] Port O’Brien – I Woke up Today
[mp3] The Mountain Goats – Get Lonely

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