Archive for the ‘jennifer oconnor’ Category

Jennifer O’Connor’s the best

August 28, 2008

Lots of people don’t like female singer/songwriter’s very much – for reasons like “they all sound the same” or “they all sound like Fiona Apple.” These are fair enough reasons I guess, to each his own or whatever, but I knew I’d like Jennifer O’Connor when I saw her wonderful and lovably sarcastic press shot (see above). Attitude, indeed Jennifer.

Jennifer’s album Here With Me is out now on Matador for you to go buy and listen to, and that’s what you should do. There’s some soul, some swagger, and some rock and roll, but with a sensitive side. Not a sensitive side like “why did my boyfriend leave me,” moreso just a romantic way of capturing people, days, moments, places, and emotions within a set of chords, lyrics, and melodies – I can’t get enough of it. This is a great sounding record too, which is even more impressive considering most of the vocal tracks including Jennifer’s vocals went down live.

[mp3] Jennifer O’Connor – Xmas Party

You can buy Here With Me for 9 bucks at Insound. Do it.