Archive for the ‘emily haines’ Category

If you always wake up late you’ll never be on time

February 20, 2008

Some things are really nice to wake up to; a migraine is not one of them. I had what some would call the night from hell: I didn’t sleep a single second, because of an unspeakably bad which is still wrapping it’s bloody little knuckles around my inflamed brain tissues very firmly as I type this.

I needed something soft but huge, expansive and vast but in a small way. I chose Broken Social Scene’s latest, self-titled, group LP. That was a good choice! Few albums spend as much time in my various players as this one did two summers ago and I was glad to see it hadn’t lost any of it’s appeal over the 8 seasons we’ve been through together. I had also forgotten that the Emily Haines lead Swimmers is a the most perfect wake up song ever. Enjoy.

[mp3] Broken Social Scene – Our Faces Split The Coast in Half
[mp3] Broken Social Scene – Swimmers

Buy Broken Social Scene at insound.