Archive for the ‘Covers’ Category

Monday Covers

September 29, 2008

Every once in a while I find myself in the mood to listen to talented people sing karaoke. Some may simply call this covering a song, but it’s more fun to think of it as talented people singing karaoke. I’m done with the ironic cover, I think. I don’t laugh anymore when bands cover top 40 hits to be funny. Take Dan Rossen/Department of Eagles JoJo cover, that I can appreciate because he just sang the song, rather then mocking it he mined for it’s potential. No more ironic covers, just do it or don’t.

[mp3] Chris Walla – Too Gone (The Connels)
[mp3] Denison Witmer – Have You Forgotten? (Red House Painters)
[mp3] Wilco & Billy Bragg – At My Window, Sad & Lonely (Woody Guthrie)
[mp3] Casiotone for the Painfully Alone – Graceland (Paul Simon)
[mp3] Bishop Allen – Ring of Fire (Johnny Cash)

Repost: M. Ward Covers

September 16, 2008

Editors Note: Every once in a while people bug me enough about re-posting something old to make me actually do it. This one has been the subject of many a polite email to my inbox, so I figured it was time. Enjoy!

M. Ward is sort of huge around here in case you haven’t noticed it yet. I mean, the man can’t do much of anything wrong in my book to be honest. Nothing ushers in the Fall for me like putting on M. Ward records, kicking back with a book and a cup of something warm and soaking in the chili Northwest which is transported magically through every M. Ward record into your speaker wiring and subsequently into your brain. It’s like mind control only you like it.

[mp3] M. Ward – Buckets of Rain w/ Beth Orton (Bob Dylan)
[mp3] M. Ward – Sentimental Blues (Ray Charles)
[mp3] M. Ward – Story of an Artist (Daniel Johnston)
[mp3] M. Ward – Let My Love Open the Door (Pete Townshed)
[mp3] M. Ward – Someday (Louis Armstrong)

Buy M. Ward music at Insound.

*Clever Title Involving the Word Cover* : Ben Gibbard

May 28, 2007

Ben Gibbard at the Metro in Chicago
photo by matt arends

I hope no one will take offense at this late edition to Covers Week, which is, at least officially, now past. I mean, there’s a certain intrinsic value to following a schedule — though I have yet to personally discover just what that is in my own life — but when you have something this exceptional to share, I’m all for violating whatever schedule it is that we were on here at HTFAF.

For any of our readers who aren’t caught up, you can view this post (and listen to the accompanying mp3’s) to learn why Caleb and I are big fans of Creeper Lagoon. By sheer chance, I recently found out that Ben Gibbard is, too. He covered the opening track to Creeper’s first full length record, I Become Small and Go, at a recent show in San Francisco. With determination , I tracked down the mp3 (thank you, AJ), and Covers Week — yes, the officially over Covers Week — seemed the proper time to share it.

[mp3] Creeper Lagoon – Wonderful Love
This song represents what is, to me, the best of the late-1990s indie sound: weird tape loops and out-of-place synthesizer noises, samples of some Amazonian tribal singer, and perfectly recorded angular (thanks, Caleb) guitar during the verses.

[mp3] Ben Gibbard – Wonderful Love (Creeper Lagoon)
Same song, but forget the above description. This is just Gibbard and a handful of chords on his Gibson J-45. Not a bad rendition, and it’s interesting to hear one of Creeper’s songs stripped down to its essence. Recorded at the Fillmore in SF on May 18 of this year, during his solo tour with David Bazan and Johnathon Rice.

*Clever Title Involving the Word Cover* : M. Ward

May 25, 2007

M. Ward is sort of huge around here in case you haven’t noticed it yet. I mean, if my frequent posting didn’t give it away, perhaps the fact that I own five M. Ward show posters and each album he has released on both Vinyl and Compact Disc does.

Anyways, since you already know all of that, I will get right to business. Have you enjoyed covers week at all?

[mp3] M. Ward – Buckets of Rain w/ Beth Orton (Bob Dylan)
[mp3] M. Ward – Sentimental Blues (Ray Charles)
[mp3] M. Ward – Story of an Artist (Daniel Johnston)
[mp3] M. Ward – Let My Love Open the Door (Pete Townshed)
[mp3] M. Ward – Someday (Louis Armstrong)

Buy M. Ward records

*Clever Title Involving the Word Cover* : Drag the River

May 24, 2007

One of Drag the River’s frequently shifting lineups

If you’re a frequent reader here at HTFAF, you may already know the following: first, I was a big Drag the River fan, and wrote about the band in a guest post, my first for HTFAF, here. If you know that, you also probably know that, unfortunately, this band no longer exists. I try not to mention or think of the aforementioned fact too often, as it tends to make me sad. Finally, as Caleb warned in my first post, Drag the River played “for real country … not like Ryan Adams, (but) the real deal, so be careful if you can’t handle that.”

And now, readers, no matter how frequently or infrequently you visit us here at HTFAF, you know everything you need to know to enjoy this post … except this one thing that I’ve yet to mention: it’s still Covers Week at HTFAF, so below you’ll find three live covers recorded at the Starlight in Fort Collins, Colorado, in July 2002. These traverse the songwriting spectrum from Glen Danzig to Steve Earle, but they all share Drag the River’s booze-tinged, no-frills country/punk touch.

[mp3] Drag the River – Hybrid Moments (Misfits)
This song first appeared on The Misfits’ 1985 release, Legacy of Brutality. And it’s scary — lyrically, but not musically, in this rendition. Listen to Drag the River’s Jon Snodgrass agree with me after they play it.

[mp3] Drag the River – Indianapolis (Bottle Rockets/Henneman)
An autobiographical tale of life on the road, written by the Bottle Rockets’ Brian Henneman when he was a roadie for Jeff Tweedy (Wilco) and Jay Farrar’s (Son Volt) groundbreaking Uncle Tupelo. If you know who Bob is, don’t tell him that I prefer this version to that of the Bottle Rockets.

[mp3] Drag the River – Johnny Come Lately (Steve Earle)
The UK’s Irish-folk/punk band The Pogues backed Earle
on his original recording of this song, which appeared on his more-rock-than-country record, Copperhead Road; it was released in 1988 and won Earle some brief mainstream notoriety with its title track. And then he went to jail a few times.

You can still buy Drag the River records (and other stuff) here, and Bottle Rockets records (and, again, other stuff) here. And you shouldn’t have much trouble finding records from Wilco, Uncle Tupelo, Jay Farrar, Son Volt, Steve Earle, or The Pogues online or at your local independent record store. Please support your local shops when you have the chance.

*Clever Title Involving the Word Cover* : The Flaming Lips

May 23, 2007

Does he realize … how hard it is to decide on which picture of his band to use?

Hi. I’m excited. Maybe it’s the fact that I was on the air today (radio) for the first time in almost 10 years. Or maybe it was the peanut butter Twix I enjoyed a little while ago (I rarely allow myself to consume that kind of delicious junk). But most likely it’s the fact that Covers Week continues here at HTFAF, and I have a special treat for you tonight: a trio of quality covers from everyone’s favorite psychedelic middle-aged indie rockers (albeit on a very major label): The Flaming Lips.

That excitement I mentioned above is preventing me from saving this one, so I’m gonna go ahead and drop the most clever of the three on you: The Lips cover Kylie Minogue‘s Can’t Get You Out of My Head, recorded live at KEXP in Seattle.

[mp3] The Flaming Lips – Can’t Get You Out of My Head (Kylie Minogue)
According to Wayne Coyne, the Lips’ lead singer and fake guitarist, the band was on its way to KEXP and knew they needed a cover to perform when Minogue’s track of dance goodness came on the radio. And now you get to download the result of Coyne’s eccentricity.

[mp3] The Flaming Lips – Knives Out (Radiohead)
Recorded live at KCRW in LA, an impressive take on maybe the best tune from Radiohead‘s
Amnesiac. The abstract guitar work blends well with Coyne’s raspy, straining voice.

[mp3] The Flaming Lips – The Golden Age (Beck Hansen)
Finally, The Lips do an abbreviated version of the lead-off track from Beck‘s
Sea Change. This was recorded in Columbus, Ohio.

All of the covers were recorded sometime during the month of August 2002, and appear on The Flaming Lips’ Fight Test EP. You can buy it, and all sorts of other strange Flaming Lips gear, here. Please, enjoy, and don’t cover your ears … ohhhh!

*Clever Title Involving the Word Cover* : David Bazan

May 22, 2007

Today’s edition of covers features David Bazan: frontman of Pedro the Lion (before that band ended) and Headphones, amazing songwriter, recent Barsuk Records signee, and all around cool guy. Dave writes the kind of songs that stick in your brain forever: not for a few weeks or when you’re in the mood for a certain type of song, I mean literally forever. His songs range from cautionary tales to narratives about death, infidelity, murder, childbirth, religion, and just about everything in between.

But we’re not talking about Dave’s songs today, we’re talking about Dave covering other people’s songs. Below are some covers: most of them live, one of them from Pedro’s 2004 Tour EP.

[mp3] David Bazan – Revolution Blues (Neil Young)
[mp3] David Bazan – Hallelujah (Leonard Cohen)
[mp3] David Bazan – Political Science (Randy Newman)
[mp3] Pedro the Lion – Let Down (Radiohead)
[mp3] Pedro the Lion – Metal Heart (Cat Power)
[mp3] Pedro the Lion – Waiting for Superman (Flaming Lips)

Buy David Bazan (and Pedro the Lion) records.

*Clever Title Involving the Word Cover* : Bright Eyes

May 21, 2007

Cover posts are pretty popular among bloggers and for good reason, but I’ve noticed that they all have some clever pun on the word ‘cover’. Well here at HTFAF we believe in being as sarcastic and elite as humanly possible so we decided to mock this trend in what turned out to be a mind-numbing act of douchebaggery.

Between regular posts this week there will be a post each day of covers from some favorite artists of mine with the title formula being “Clever title involving the word cover : *insert artist name.” Some people I plan on including: Pedro the Lion/David Bazan, Death Cab for Cutie, M. Ward, and a various artists cover mix. Sound cool? I didn’t think so either but I’m sure you’ll enjoy regardless.

[mp3] Bright Eyes – Mushaboom (Feist)
[mp3] Bright Eyes – Devil Town (Daniel Johnston)
[mp3] Bright Eyes – Burn Rubber (Simon Joyner)
[mp3] Bright Eyes – The Biggest Lie (Elliot Smith)
[mp3] Bright Eyes – Seashell Tale (M. Ward)

Oh yeah, and here’s a video of Conor dancing to the Village People hit YMCA: