Archive for the ‘coldplay’ Category

Fleetwood Mac vs. The Beegees

May 27, 2008

So, I signed on this morning….okay I didn’t sign on because this isn’t 1999 and I’m not using America Online, but i opened Firefox this morning and the words fleetwood mac caught my eye on the yahoo homepage. It was in the “recently discussed on yahoo answers” section and it was a battle between Fleetwood Mac and the Beegees. Now, to me this is a silly proposal. The Beegees are great, but no one compares to Fleetwood Mac!

I encourage all of you to settle this the democratic way (all though yahoo might not like that) and vote for Buckingham, Nicks, Fleetwood, & McVie.

[mp3] Fleetwood Mac – Songbird
[mp3] Coldplay – Songbird (Oasis Cover)

I know the second one is in no way related to F.M. but it showed up when i was trying to find the former and I figured why the heck not.


May 8, 2008

The New Coldplay is totally awesome

April 30, 2008

I was right. SOOOO right. This may very well be my favorite thing Coldplay has done yet. It’s dark and filled with imagery about banks being cathedrals and snow and other dark and forboding things and there are real electric guitars playing real riffs, and pounding huge drums, and Brian Eno’s atmospherics, and a breakdown, and my God is it good.

I know I’m supposed to say this is a guilty pleasure, but I don’t feel guilty about liking this song one bit.

It’s also nice to see that the people at Capitol are at least smart enough to release an mp3 instead of trying to hord the album until their big mtv listening party or whatever they have planned.

[mp3] Coldplay – Violet Hill

Viva La Vida, or Death & All His Friends
is out 6.12 (uk) and 6.17 (us).

Coldplay Release Tracklisting, I release optimism

April 11, 2008

Hear me out: I was the first to call ZZZ on X&Y, it was a snoozer. That doesn’t change how good Coldplay was before that record. Yes, I said it, Coldplay was a great band pre-X&Y, and anyone who tells you differently loves hating, hates pop music, or both. Anyone who can look you in the eye and tell you songs like Green Eyes, Whisper, & Amsterdam, or Spies, Sparks, & Don’t Panic are “boring” or “over-polished” or anything else is a liar.

This is why I am optimistic for Viva La Vida (or Death & All His Friends):

A.) They got bored of themselves. They realized they were too lazy on X&Y and brought in Brian Eno to produce this one (almost always a good move).

B.) Song titles like Cemeteries of London & Lost! (I sure hope it’s about that Lost) just sound promising.

C.) The Sufjan-esque extended title makes me hope & think that just maybe things lean more towards Can or Talk Talk than Oasis.

So that’s that! I just lost half of you, but that’s just silly. Maybe I’m wrong, maybe this will make look X&Y look like the most daring and beautiful piece of music ever created, but I sure hope not.

[mp3] Coldplay – Whisper
[mp3] Coldplay – Spies