Archive for the ‘ben folds five’ Category

Ben Folds Five Re-Unite for One Off!

September 3, 2008

In some of the most awesome news I’ve ever read: Ben Folds will reunite with Robert Sledge & Darren Jessee, or Ben Folds Five as they’re known when together on a stage, to play a one-off at their old hometown school, The University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill. Since their split many-a-year ago, the five (three) have kept busy in numerous ways – Ben has been busy being Ben Folds, Darren formed the successful in it’s own right Hotel Lights, while everyone’s favorite fuzz-bassist Robert Sledge has been in and out of a few bands and now resides in CH permanently giving lessons.

The band will be performing their 1999 swan song The Unauthorized Biography of Reinhold Messner in it’s entirety. Perhaps they’ll be a few surprises, perhaps not, but either way I wish so badly I had the money to go to this show, but I squandered all my road-trip concert money on Ryan Adams and Randy Newman tickets in October. Who needs a regional reporter? AP? Pitchfork? Anybody? No? Okay, guess I’ll just wait for the youtube’s the following day.

[mp3] Ben Folds Five – Army

Buy Ben Folds Five records.