Archive for the ‘barack obama’ Category

Happy Barack Day, Everyone!

November 5, 2008

And so, here we are. America has a new president elect, and the entire world seems to be rejoicing. It’s the kind of thing that will define a generation, this is our march on Washington, this is our JFK. I’ll never forget the lump in my throat I felt as Barack Obama walked on stage in front of so many thousands of eyes in Grant Park with his family by his side, ready to accept the nomination as President of the United States – the first African-American to ever know such a feeling.

Then he made a speech, a speech in which he promised to be a president for everyone, barely even mentioning how historical what he had just achieved was. Last May, May of 2007, I vigorously researched my choices in the upcoming primary and election for the President of the United States, and I decided Barack Obama was my candidate. I purchased a shirt and a sticker as my first donation to his campaign, slapped the sticker on my car, and honestly thought he didn’t have a chance. Hillary was supposed to win the primary, how could she be defeated?

Last night was a proud night for me, and I think it will go down as a proud night for the world over. We have a new President-elect, and it’s a very happy day in America.

[mp3] Death From Above 1979 – Black History Month
[mp3] Radiohead – Jigsaw Falling Into Place
[mp3] Ryan Adams – Dreaming’s Free
[mp3] Belle & Sebastian – I Could Be Dreaming

Barack Obama : 44th President of the United States

November 5, 2008

Fellow Americans: thank you for voting.
To my international readers: I think you’ll like Senator Obama more than Mr. Bush.

Very, very, very proud to be an American,

Early Voting Begins, Final Debate Tonight, Don’t Be a Slacker

October 15, 2008

Hopefully all of you registered to vote. If not, you can see if you still have time by browsing this list and finding your state. I hope all of you have been keeping informed, as Early Voting is now underway in all states that allow it. I, for one, plan on making my way to the early polling location today after work to cast my ballot. I knew who I wanted to vote for last May and nothing has changed my mind so far, as intelligent as Mrs. Palin is and stable as Mr. McCain is. If you haven’t yet made your mind up, though, you can watch the third and final presidential debate this evening.

Knowledge is power, my friends, and we haven’t had much of it in the White House the last eight years. I, for one, hope to see that change this November.

[mp3] Throw Me The Statue – Take it or Leave it
[mp3] Bright Eyes – When the President Talks to God
[mp3] AA Bondy – Vice Rag
[mp3] Sufjan Stevens – Chicago
[mp3] Pedro the Lion – Arizona
[mp3] Death Cab for Cutie – President of What?

Barack Obama’s iPod = So cool

June 25, 2008

The Democratic nominee for the Presidency of the United States of America sat down with Rolling Stone to talk music and named a few favorites like Dylan, Springsteen (both Obama supporters), The Stones, Elton John, Earth Wind & Fire, Stevie Wonder, Coltrane, and Miles. Seriously, could you score any more cool points?

In other news John McCain is said to be an Abba fan, and apparently his daughter has a pretty “hip” music blog

[mp3] Bob Dylan – Maggie’s Farm (Live Alternate Version)

Decemberists + Obama = Best Photograph Ever.

May 22, 2008