Archive for the ‘backstage sessions’ Category

New Backstage Session : Sea Wolf

May 13, 2008

We’re quite pleased to announce another Backstage Session; this one with the wonderful Sea Wolf. The show goes down on May 23rd at our favorite club, Exit/In, an it’s on a Friday, so if you’re in Nashville you have no excuse not to be there.

Check for the date closest to you here.

[mp3] Sea Wolf – Sea Monuments

Buy Sea Wolf records

We’re back + Thank you

April 30, 2008

Well friends, finally back from Memphis. We barely made it home; Interstate 40 is a lonely road in the early a.m. hours and it took a driver change, but we’re here and mostly good.

You gave us 100 percent of the hosting money + $30. Holy something, thank you so very much. I’m going to throw the 30 bucks into the Peace on Earth pool for Toys for Tots. You’re all amazing. I thank you all so very much. It’s so nice to know people care about this site so much. I wiped a single tear.

Speaking of Peace on Earth, we’re doing that again this year, though it will likely be titled something different for clarity’s sake. I’m starting work on that soon. Speaking of all of this, SSLYBY & Via Audio (who both made songs for you last year) were great beyond belief. It’s truly a shame that every one of you couldn’t have seen that tour. I can’t reccomend checking out either one on their own enough though. Via Audio plays tonight in Bowling Green & tommorow in Athens, OH. SSLYBY is taking a break before going back out on the west coast. See their dates here.

We played frisbee in the park and played lots of songs backstage. Together, like a supergroup. There were 2 covers, one of which went down on stage. We got a lot of footage and taped all the backstage action as well as recording the sets which you’ll be able to hear provided record labels do not interfere.

We love you.

[mp3] Ben Folds – You to Thank
[mp3] Silver Jews – Wild Kindness

[mp3] Someone Still Loves you Boris Yeltsin – Bigger Than Yr Yard
[mp3] Via Audio – I Can’t Focus

New Backstage Sessions etc.

April 19, 2008

Hello friends and enemies!
We’re happy to announce some happy happenings around here. Someone recently called the first batch of Backstage Sessions we did “the first season” which I kind of thought was funny but liked. Think of it as our pilot season or something I guess. There are lots of fun things going on/coming up.

Last night we conducted an interview [IN HD VIDEO nonetheless] with three of the wonderful New Pornographers here in Nashville in their bread and fruit-filled dressing room. That will be available for consumption soon.

Next, we’re off to Memphis on April 28th and 29th to film Backstage Sessions with and Via Audio & Someone Still Loves you Boris Yeltsin. Those are two of our favorite bands in the world, so we’re understandably stoked to death. We’ll also be making a little mini tour documentary of sorts with the former. Call it a day in the life of Via Audio, or don’t call it that but you know….these things are meant to be enjoyed so ust enjoy them please, okay? And of course feel free to let other people enjoy them.



Win tickets to see Film School + Hang out for Backstage Sessions

April 12, 2008

This is a neat contest. We’re giving away a pair of tickets (or guest list spots) to the Film School show @ the Mercy Lounge here in Nashville (which we’re also presenting) but that’s not all! The lucky winner and his or her +1 will be able to come early and hang out with us and Film School in the luxurious backstage of the Mercy Lounge while we film their Backstage Session.

Here’s what you need to do:

eMail with the subject “Film School” and tell me the last show you went to.

Winners will be announced April 19 (next Saturday)