Archive for the ‘aa bondy’ Category

Hard to Find a Friend’s Backstage Sessions : AA Bondy

August 18, 2008

It was a really beautiful day last Monday evening. The sun was at it’s brightest, not quite content to turn in for the evening, but on it’s way down regardless. There was a breeze though, and the humidity was unusually mild for a Tennessee August, which made for a really nice setting to hear music in. Particularly the dulcet voice and subdued finger-picking of AA Bondy. I’ve met a lot of people who play music for a living in my day, and few, if any of them, were as amicable and excitable as Mr. Bondy. It’s good to meet one of the good ones from time to time, if nothing else to renew your faith that sincere music can come from sincere people. Pick up his record, American Hearts if you have an extra few bucks. It’s worth every penny.

Stream the HD version here!

[mp3] AA Bondy – Black Rain, Black Rain [Live : Backstage Session]

Stream the HD version here!