Archive for September, 2007

New Ryan Adams & The Cardinals EP in October

September 19, 2007

Via Billboard The Ry-Man and his fantastic Cardinals will release Follow the Lights, fresh off the release of June’s Easy Tiger, via Lost Highway on October 23. This makes me happy for two reasons: one being my recent conversion from hater to loving everything of Ry’s (save for rock n’ roll) and two being the fact that Adams is known for his ambitious output, so a seven song EP is promising in the selectiveness department.

Below are live versions of Pearls on a String and Chin Up Cheer Up from this summer’s tour and a solo tour of Europe circa 2000 respectively. Both are fantastic, and worth your attention. Also, be sure to head over to Aquarium Drunkard to download a fantastic XM In-studio that clocks in at an impressive 21 tracks.

[mp3] Ryan Adams – Chin Up Cheer Up (11.19.200, London England)
[mp3] Ryan Adams & The Cardinals – Pearls on a String (6.29.2007, Somerville, MA)

[mp3] Akron/Family – Love, Love, Love (Reprise)

Buy Easy Tiger & other Ryan Adams records from Insound.

Kanye emerges victorious

September 19, 2007

Kanye crushed 50 by almost 300k units! While I don’t consider this a huge victory (I never jumped fully on the ‘Ye train) anything that will put 50 cent’s career on hold is fine by me. He’s got enough money from vitamin water to live on the rest of his life anyways.

Only time can tell if the sultan of suck will actually hang his annoying hat up, but here’s to hoping.

[mp3] Kanye West – Drunk & Hot Girls
[mp3] Kanye West – Flashing Lights

Buy Graduation from insound.

Josh Rouse @ Grimey’s : Nashville, TN : 9.15.07

September 16, 2007

I had reasonably high expectations for today’s in-store performance by Josh Rouse at Grimey’s, I’m an avid fan of the singer/songwriter’s work, and cherish a lot of his work (Namely Nashville). For some reason I hadn’t picked up Rouse’s latest record Country Mouse, City House. I knew it was out, I knew I wanted to get it, but I just never did. This would prove to be a large mistake as the afternoon unfolded.

It was a great day for music: cool, breezy, and sunny, the ultra-confined spaces of a Grimey’s in-store for someone as popular as Mr. Rouse was a bit of a worry, but there was enough of a breeze from the opened door to keep things from getting hostile. Then there was the music: I can’t help but thing Josh is making the kind of soul-laced folk-pop that Wilco has been shooting for. The bass lines are thick, wurlitzer, rhodes, and organ weave their way in and out of the intricate and memorable melodies, and Josh’s immediately recognizable vocals pierce through the mix with perfect intonation.

Today’s set relied heavily on the new record but dipped into older pieces such as His Majesty Rides, the borderline Michael Mcdonald sounding funk anthem. Songs like Snowy, London Bridge, and Hollywood Bass Player were especially great to hear in a live setting. Josh’s voice is even more pleasing in person, and his band is all but flawless without ever feeling robotic, taking time to lay down solo’s a plenty.

If you haven’t picked up Country Mouse, City House or any of Josh’s wonderful record’s for that matter, pick some up from insound or straight from the man himself, like now. If you’re in Nashville swing by Grimey’s and pick some up, and thank them for hosting awesome and free in-store’s. Below is an mp3 from the new record and some video I took at the show (kind of not-great, dig. cam. video but hey, better than nothing)

[mp3] Josh Rouse – London Bridges

Caling all Nashvillians

September 15, 2007

Here’s the deal:
Tomorrow, (today technically) Saturday, September the fifteenth has just become booked for you. The forecast for tomorrow is the most beautiful of the year: high of 74, low of 49 and at 4pm you can find me at Grimey’s seeing Josh Rouse for free.

So take a drive to Grimey’s with the windows down, and take this opportunity to enjoy the weather before it gets hot again.

Come say hi if you see me.

[mp3] Josh Rouse – Pilgrim

New Andrew Bird video – Imitosis

September 13, 2007

I don’t usually care much about or for music videos, but this one was an exception, the song: Imitosis by Andrew Bird the director: Britta Johnson.

A wonderfully entertaining bit of stop motion set to a fantastic song.

New Besnard Lakes – Casino Nanaimo

September 13, 2007

…And what a beautiful affair it is. Recent polaris short-listers, and part of an ever growing roster of canucks we love,The Besnard Lakes aren’t exactly dark horses anymore. With the afformentioned nomination, the release of a new 12” on Jagjaguwar, a string of U.S. and Canadian tour dates, The Lakes are on track to have a good second-half of 2007.

The song in question, the a-side to the 12” single, entitled Casino Nanaimo is a most wonderful affair. This one is well fit for your drive to work: there are a lot of take off’s but only one landing, washed out walls of psych-laced vocals, twangy guitars, and a never ending wall of organ. Those Canadians love this sort of thing.

[mp3] mp3 removed by request of Jagjaguwar | Buy from Jagjaguwar

Besnard Lakes tour dates

About a Son

September 13, 2007

I received the wonderful soundtrack to About a Son the recent Kurt Cobain film from Sidetrack Films. I wasn’t quite sure what to expect from this one: the soundtrack contains no music of Kurt’s or Nirvana’s, instead a few scores by Benjamin Gibbard and Steve Fisk and songs that capture the scene at the high point of Kurt’s career, and songs that Kurt simply liked. The interview excerpts are very charming, findign Kurt discussing the first time he heard himself on the radio and punk rock.

This one is clearly a companion piece to the film but that shouldn’t stop you from enjoying the great music contained on it. Any 90’s kid needs this one for sure, and even Nirvana-shruggers will enjoy the new Gibbard tunes, grunge and punk classics, and Leadbelly singing about D.C.’s social racism….okay, I don’t get that one either, but it’s still good.

[mp3] Half Japanese – Pour Some Sugar On It

Buy it at insound.

Kanye wins the battle at Pitchfork hill

September 12, 2007

After betting his career on outselling Kanye West, Fifty cent has already lost one major battle to the ‘Ye opposition forces: The battle for control of a volatile tribal area of hipsters who swear allegiance to Pitchfork, the one true God of taste. Kanye undoubtedly received great aid from allies Peter, Bjorn & John, who aided the rapper in his diplomatic reaches to dummy-glasses donning, card-carrying hipsters who didn’t care about being reached for comment.

Curtis “50 cent” Jackson was not available for immediate comment but a top aid has told us that the setback at Pitchfork will not stop Curtis in his quest for domination, and stressed the importance of the American consumer’s regular Vitamin Water consumption to continue so as not to show weakness to Kanye.

[mp3] Kanye West – Good Life

Pitchfork reviews 50
Pitchfork reviews Kanye

Love is Simple Analysis

September 12, 2007

I’m just now getting home well past midnight: tired, dreading being up again in seven hours, and feeling like I’ve accomplished nothing despite my hellishly long day. Lifting my spirits is no small task for anyone, so when I put on my newly arrived copy of the new Akron/Family record Love is Simple and immediately feel better about my life, I know something special is going on.

After a minute and a half of telling me to love everyone, Ed is a Portal comes on in all of it’s freak-folk, worldy goodness. A chant starts, followed by banjo, then a sitar, then it grows, the chant is now dozens strong, an African rhythym is established and then the whole band comes in. My pulse is quickening, the blood circulating again….and then the song actually starts.

Seven minutes later the song is over and I’m treated to a delicate ballad full of woodwinds, glockenspiels, and hushed vocal harmonies, they warn me to not be afraid, “Love is simple,”
they soaringly sing, and I realize that Ryan Vanderhoof is the head of the mostly excellently versatile band today. Over the course of the rest of the 56 minute epic I become immersed in psych-noise, chants, choir-esque choruses, and overall aesthetically moving songs. If this isn’t at the top of my best of list come December it sure will be close.

[mp3] Akron/Family – Ed is a Portal

Pre-order Love is Simple (out 9/18) at insound.
Akron/Family tour dates.

Pitchfork gives music a 6.8

September 10, 2007

Via the Onion –
Pitchfork gives music a 6.8

CHICAGO—Music, a mode of creative expression consisting of sound and silence expressed through time, was given a 6.8 out of 10 rating in an review published Monday on Pitchfork Media, a well-known music-criticism website.

Pitchfork Gives Logo

According to the review, authored by Pitchfork editor in chief Ryan Schreiber, the popular medium that predates the written word shows promise but nonetheless “leaves the listener wanting more.” ….Keep reading.

This is without doubt the best article I have read all year, The Onion does it again. So hillarious.

In other news:
Midlake begins a short tour in a few weeks.
Hard to Find a Friend is going to Pygmalion Music Fest.
Iron & Wine announces a bonus disk

[mp3] Midlake – Young Bride | Buy
[mp3] Iron & Wine – Boy with a Coin | Buy