New (ish) Flaming Lips!

Everyone’s favorite acid trip on record have contributed a wonderful new pop song to the soundtrack of a sure-to-be-awful new movie. The film in question is Good Luck Chuck: a comedy in which Dane Cook sleeps with a whole bunch of women! Boy I can hardly wait! What a cinematic treasure!

OK, admittedly there is not much Coyne & CO. could do to anger me (or anyone for that matter) but this is the closest they could come. Luckily, the song is completely awesome: washed out, spaced out, fuzzed out, and dreamy beyond belief.

[mp3] The Flaming Lips – I was Zapped by the Lucky Super Rainbow!

Buy Flaming Lips records at insound

2 Responses to “New (ish) Flaming Lips!”

  1. bmckim Says:

    bad link

  2. Caleb Says:

    Fixed, thanks.

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