Tech Support

It’s been brought to my attention that when surfing my site on the Safari browser, the content gets chewed up and spit out as a columnless, un-organized, mess of code-less nothingness. Everything seems to check out fine on Firefox and IE.

Anyone know what I did/am doing wrong?

[mp3] American Analog Set – We’re Computerizing and We Just Don’t Need You Anymore

My thanks in advance,
The management.

5 Responses to “Tech Support”

  1. Joshua Says:

    You’ve got a bunch of tracking code in the middle of your body style block that it seems to be choking on (the RiteCounter and GoStats stuff)

    Soon as you remove them Safari seems to be happy again.

  2. Caleb Says:

    You are a God among mere mortals Joshua.


  3. Caleb Says:

    Okay….doing this poses the opposite problem.

    When I remove the gostats I’m fine in firefox, and nothing changes in safari. When I remove the ritecounter it looks as bad in firefox as it did in safari.

  4. Joshua Says:

    I’ve emailed you, Caleb.

    Might be easier than trying to explain in a comment box 🙂

  5. Caleb Says:

    Fixed. I owe you one.

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