Archive for March, 2007

Why has HTFAF been the suck lately?

March 30, 2007

WELL good reader, I’ll tell you.

You see exactly one day after that cold war kids post as I was readying another awesome mix for you clowns my internet started being realllly spotty at home. I cant post from work cause I keep my music on an external HD and I’m lucky to access my mail while at home, I have yet to have a successful attempt at uploading stuff to my server via ftp.

I’m in the process of fixing this and threatening my ISP to find someone else, so I promise you it’s getting fixed. I WILL have a post up Monday and resume regular posting then.

Check Back then.

I’m sorry dear friends.


Delta Spirit / Tokyo Police Club / Cold War Kids @ Mercy lounge 3-24-2007

March 26, 2007

I was expecting a good show last night. I had been waiting to see Cold War Kids for awhile and had always had conflicts when they were in town (a total of four times I believe, which is ridiculous). It seemed like there was some mystical force out to keep me from enjoying myself though. After trouble at the door involving re-entry and Id’s and the like with a friend who is underage, having to drive 20 minutes back to my friends car and then return, the show starting 40 minutes late, having a tall guy in front of me blocking my line of sight (and I’m 6’4”!) and having beer spilt on my flip flopped feet, the odds weren’t looking so good.

Then Delta Spirit came on and started the show…wow, that is all I can say friends, these guys are really really good. They outperformed everyone else who would grace the stage. Wonderful aged pop songs with fierce intensity, co-op percussion, and a whole lot of confidence made for one of my favorite sets in a long time. The songs shifted from really catchy rock songs to dylanesque folk sing alongs, to danceable vintage pop. I urge you to buy their album, really I cannot say enough wonderful things about these folks! mp3’s are below.

Next up was Tokyo Police Club minus their drummer who was severely ill. If you’ve ever heard TPC music you understand why this is a big problem. After two acoustic songs, the canucks were joined on stage by members of Delta Spirit and Cold war kids who formed a crazy drumcorps which consisted of people stomping and clapping, playing sleigh bells, shakers, trash can lids, tambourines, beer bottles, drum sticks, piano lids, 3 snare drums, and anything else they could bang. I strongly suggest you pick up their stuff as well.

Next was a short and unplanned performance from local poet and cold war pal Derrick Brown who was freaking hillarious and quite skilled as well.

Cold War Kids took the stage to play to a VERY FULL mercy lounge, the atmosphere was great everyone was dancing and genuinely having a good time which is something that you unfortunately don’t see much of at rock shows anymore. After a short and sparse Willie Johnson cover the kids ripped right into Robbers and Cowards standout We Used to Vacation and didn’t look back from there. The entire place erupted when the bass riff to Hang me up to Dry began and sang along to the refrain of Hospital Beds. The best moment of the evening came when Delta Spirit and TPC joined the kids in their entirety (twelve people on a very small stage) for a wonderful rendition of an already wonderful song, Saint John. They formed the afformentioned clapping/sleigh belling/tambourining/beer bottle banging, shaker shaking drum corp and provided some wonderful background vocals.

In the end nothing could stop me from enjoying what turned out to be a phenomenal and wonderfully fun show. I can say with the greatest of confidence that you’ll be hearing ALOT from all three of these fine assemblies of lads in the near future. They’re just too good to go un-noticed.

[mp3] Cold War Kids – Hospital Beds
[mp3] Cold War Kids – Saint John
[mp3] Cold War Kids – Hair Down
[mp3] Cold War Kids – We Used to Vacation

[mp3] Delta Spirit – Streetwalker

[mp3] Tokyo Police Club – Citizens of Tommorow

EDIT: The kids have posted some pics of their day in Nashville on their site/tour blog.

Songs of the Month : February/March

March 22, 2007


It’s been awhile, but HTFAF is finally back up and running for your enjoyment. In January I started a Song(s) of the month series, featuring my favorite songs of the month and a random classic. I realized in the midst of all this that I never delivered on my promise to make songs of the month…well monthly. To make up for it I’m combining February and March for what seems to be a fittingly thick return post.

Let’s get down to business shall we?

[mp3] Dr. Dog – We All Belong SONG OF THE MONTH(s)
Dr. Dog’s newest effort, which shares it’s title with this track, to put it lightly blew my everloving mind. It’s FANTASTIC. The songs consist of brilliantly written melodies, strange percussion, lots of keys, and the fuzziest guitars I’ve heard in a while. Buy it Here.

[mp3] Bright Eyes – Tourist Trap
In my oppinion the best song on Four Winds. Breezy and wandering. Buy Four Winds here.

[mp3] Andrew Bird – Heretics
I hate it when the lead single/promo track does not properly represent an album. This is not one of those. Buy Armchair Apocrypha Here.

[mp3] Aqueduct – Lying in the Bed I’ve Made
Barsuk’s flagship Indie electro/mope/spaz rock artist delivers pretty wonderfully on his latest, Or Give me Death. Buy it Here.

[mp3] Chase Pagan – Lost
One of the better promo’s I’ve recieved in recent memory is the s/t EP from which this track stems. You can download the entire mp3 for free courtesy of Milita Group and Insound HERE.

[mp3] Elvis Perkins – Without Love
It’s hard to standout when you are best described as a jangly folk/pop artist nowadays, But Perkins achieves it pretty easily. Buy Ash Wednesday Here and catch Perkins on tour with Clap Your Hands Say Yeah.

[mp3] Arcade Fire – Keep the Car Running
Nothing I can say about Neon Bible that has yet to be said. So I’ll spare you and jsut say I included it because it’s my favorite track off the album besides Antichrist Television Blues, which I already posted. Buy Neon Bible Here.

[mp3] Low – Pretty People
Remember in January when I said The Shin’s track Sleeping Lessons, was the best album opener I had heard in a long time? This one, which begins Sparhawks & Co’s latest beats it out with ease. So dark and wonderful. Buy Drums & Guns here.

[mp3] Towhee – Locked
This also stems from a promo I recieved this month. I don’t know much about the band other than they’re from…Ohio? And they make solid electropop. I have had to use the words electropop alot lately. Buy Streetlights here.

[mp3] Vietnam – Step on Inside
Wonderfully vintage folk stomp from the Brooklyn band, who are on tour with the Black Angels, and playing a free in-store for us Nashvillians at Grimeys on March 30. Buy Vietnam Here.

Random Classic:
Jeff Tweedy – Sunken Treasure (Live)

Songs of the Month : January

If I left off a song that really should have been included, inform me in the comments.


March 13, 2007

Hello friend,
I apologize for the lull, I bought a macbook and a still trying to perfect/set up/figure ot my new set up. HTFAF will return next week. While we’re on the subjet does anyone know a good free or cheap ftp client for mac?

Also, I realized when I got said macbook and hopped over to this here site of mine that my site does not go well with safari. It takes away the color and screws up the formatting horribly. For now please just use firefox or explorer if you have the option whle enjoying my umble little blog.

Finally I am considering getting some professional design done by a few people whose work I really love, more on that as it happens

Thank you all for reading I have seen a pretty huge increase in hits this month, some pretty staggering numbers for me especially being such a relatively babyfaced blogger. Thanks to all of you, I hope you come back

Things you care about, they don’t matter anymore

March 8, 2007

“The new wilco record is not going to be great,” I thought aloud upon hearing the track What Light. It’s not that I don’t like the song, I do, but It’s certainly not on the same level as the better songs on Being There, or Summer Teeth, Or Yankee Hotel. The problem is that Tweedy, or someone in his camp, have convinced him that he is Bob Dylan (Listen and you’ll understand why I say that.) Upon further investigation, I don’t think the album is going to be bad. That being said, I am not anticipating an amazing album. A good one, sure, but not an amazing one which is a shame, because Tweedy is writing some catchy songs these days. I’m talking the kind of thing that gets licensed to be in a Nissan commercial or something. If you don’t have the Sunken Treasure DVD I suggest you get it, if for no other reason, then to see the song Is That the Thanks I get. Why that song (which is included below) did not make the record, I will never know, but alas… Sky Blue Sky is out May 11 on Nonesuch records, and the band is going on a small tour overseas this spring.

[mp3] Wilco – What Light
[mp3] Wilco – Impossibly Germany
[mp3] Wilco – Either way
[mp3] Wilco – How to Fight Loneliness
[mp3] Wilco – I Am Trying to Break Your Heart
[mp3] Jeff Tweedy – Is That The Thanks I Get? (Live)
[mp3] Jeff Tweedy – Walken (Live)

New Bright Eyes Tour dates

March 7, 2007

I’m almost sick of telling you about him, but this news excites me.
Oberst, Walcott, Mogis and I would imagine a few of their friends are heading out for a bigger tour than the previous announced four winds tour in honor of their newest LP Casadaga. I’ll see you at the Nashville show! Does anyone else find it a bit ironic that everyone’s favorite former pre-pubescent screamer and anti-corporate spokesboy is playing places like the Walt Disney Theater and Hard Rock Live?

Bright Eyes – Four Winds
[mp3] Bright Eyes – Smoke Without Fire
[mp3] Bright Eyes – Stray Dog Freedom
[mp3] Bright Eyes – I Must Belong Somewhere (Live)
Bright Eyes – Hell is Coming, Hell is Here (Live)

The Dates

03-07 Los Angeles, CA – El Rey *
03-08 Los Angeles, CA – El Rey *
03-09 San Francisco, CA – Great American Music Hall *
03-10 San Francisco, CA – Great American Music Hall *
03-11 Seattle, WA – Showbox
03-16 London, England – Koko
03-18 Oxford, England – Brookes University Student Union
03-22 Oslo, Norway – Cosmopolite
03-24 Stockholm, Sweden – Debaser
03-26 Berlin, Germany – Columbia Club
03-27 Cologne, Germany – Gloria
03-30 Paris, France – Cafe de la Danse
03-31 Amsterdam, the Netherlands – Melkweg
04-22 Milwaukee, WI – Pabst Theatre
04-23 Chicago, IL – Riviera Theatre
04-24 Chicago, IL – Riviera Theatre
04-25 Minneapolis, MN – State Theatre
04-26 Omaha, NE – Holland Performing Arts Center
04-28 Denver, CO – Temple Hoyne Buell Theatre
04-29 Salt Lake City, UT – Kingsbury Hall
05-01 Seattle, WA – Paramount Theatre
05-02 Portland, OR – Crystal Ballroom
05-04 Berkeley, CA – Greek Theatre
05-05 Santa Barbara, CA – Arlington Theatre
05-06 Los Angeles, CA – Walt Disney Concert Hall
05-08 San Diego, CA – SOMA
05-09 Tempe, AZ – Mesa Amphitheatre
05-11 Dallas, TX – Palladium Ballroom
05-12 Tulsa, OK – Cain’s Ballroom
05-13 Austin, TX – Bass Concert Hall
05-14 New Orleans, LA – Republic
05-16 Tampa, FL – Tampa Theatre
05-17 Orlando, FL – Hard Rock Live
05-18 Atlanta, GA – Fox Theatre
05-19 Nashville, TN – Ryman Audiotorium
05-20 Columbus, OH – Wexner Center for the Arts
05-21 Detroit, MI – Royal Oak Music Theatre
05-22 Toronto, Ontario – Massey Hall
05-24 Boston, MA – Wang Center for the Performing Arts
05-25 New York, NY – Town Hall
05-26 New York, NY – Town Hall
05-28 New York, NY – Town Hall
05-29 New York, NY – Town Hall
05-30 New York, NY – Town Hall
05-31 New York, NY – Town Hall
06-01 New York, NY – Town Hall

Pre-Order Cassadaga from Saddle Creek


March 6, 2007

Sleeptalker is a wonderful band from right here in Nashville comprised of members of Aireline, Imaginary Baseball League, Cool Hand Luke, and Come Down. But I already told you that. The important thing here is that their new mini-album (NOT EP) is out and ready to be loved. This album is one of those albums that you will want to spend time with over and over again. All at once Sprawling and intimate, sterile and dirty, frigid and warm, curious and introverted.

I strongly suggest you buy the album, even if you are not a Nashvillian, it’s only 5 dollars for 6 songs and a short instrumental, every second of which is worthwhile in multiple ways.

If you ARE a Nashvillian though, you may see them at the Rutledge on the 11th and 21st of March or at The End on the 25th of April. There is talk of a regional tour in the works so keep your eyes peeled for that.

[mp3] Sleeptalker – Many Bells Down
[mp3] Imaginary Baseball League – Alot to Say
[mp3] Cool Hand Luke – Skydive
[mp3] Aireline – Winter Song

Purchase Simplifysimplify and stream three songs Here

All the Billion Highways and the Cities at the Break of Dawn

March 3, 2007

The road trip mix is a tough mix to master. Many fall victim to the “throw every traveling song I own on a playlist” syndrome and get real sick of driving after listening to Johnny Cash tell them everywhere he’s ever been.
The key is variety: a few travel songs sure, but the rest should be random. After a few indie-rock songs and 7 or 8 (out of 500) mile markers, an old soul sing-along or a nice jazz track is a welcome break. This is just a building block; feel free to add and subtract because, really, if your “road trip” only lasts 14 songs, it’s not much of a trip.

[mp3] Bob Dylan – On the Road Again
[mp3] Aqueduct – Lying in the Bed I’ve Made
[mp3] Elliott Smith – Coast to Coast
[mp3] Bill Withers – Ain’t no Sunshine
[mp3] Bright Eyes – Another Travelin Song
[mp3] Jurassic 5 – Great Expectations
[mp3] Air – Venus
[mp3] Miles Davis – Dear Old Stockholm
[mp3] Explosions in the Sky – First Breath After Coma
[mp3] The Police – Don’t Stand so Close to Me
[mp3] Cold War Kids – Hair Down
[mp3] TV On the Radio – Hours
[mp3] The Shins – Kissing the Lipless
[mp3] Modest Mouse – Convenient Parking

What would/will you add?

What am I missing?

March 1, 2007

I have a confession to make and I’m scared that I will alienate alot of you, so I ask in advance please don’t hold it against me. I don’t get the hype surrounding Of Montreal.
I mean the songs are good on paper and everything and I’m sure there really is something I’m just not picking up on. So many people whose musical tastes I really respect love Hissing Fauna.
Still, there’s something not quite satisfying to me about Polyvinyl records flagship strippers/drag queens/synth pop darlings. It’s not that the songs aren’t good it’s just that they don’t make me want to hit repeat.

So…what am I missing?

[mp3] Of Montreal – Heimdalsgate Like A Promethean Curse
[mp3] Of Montreal – Disconnect the Dots

Damien Jurado & The Band – 11.20.2006 Mejeriet, Lund, Sweden

March 1, 2007

This is a wonderful, wonderful show from Damien Jurado and his Band last November in Sweden. The quality is A+ and the set list is as well. I’m a little busy and I don’t have much time to write, or wait on my slow ftp server so I zipped it and put it on sendspace

Damien Jurado & The Band – November 20, 2006 @ Mejeriet Lund, Sweden

There goes your man
Denton, tx
Gasoline drinks
Now that im in your shadow
What were the chances
No Lie Detector (New Song)
Big let down
How i broke my legs
Lose my head
Letters and drawings

Damien Jurado – vocals, guitar
Eric Fisher – guitar, melodica, vocals
Jenna Conrad – cello, vocals
Josh Tillman – drums, vocals