Archive for February, 2007

Workin for the church while your family dies

February 28, 2007

I’ve been trying for months now to resist the Neon Bible hype, but after that SNL performance I’m just too anxious for March 6, when you can buy the thing. I think the difference between this album and Funeral is the staying power. I have probably listened to Interventions 25 times since the single popped up on iTunes and I’m not even close to being sick of it, what an organ track!

Anyways, these songs are genuinely good, and it’s sort of frustrating me. Not because I don’t love the Arcade Fire but because I did my best to resist listening to all of them but the singles until yesterday. It’s kind of like living a life of celibacy and then slipping up and sleeping with someone when you’re 60.

[mp3] Arcade Fire – Antichrist Television Blues
[mp3] Arcade Fire – Black Mirror

[mp3] Arcade Fire – Cold Wind
[mp3] Arcade Fire – Wake Up

Bradley’s Almanac has mp3’s of the SNL performances
Pre-Order Neon Bible from Merge

A Conversation With Chris Walla

February 22, 2007

Christopher Walla is a very busy man. When he is not playing guitar and producing records for this little band that he plays in called Death Cab for Cutie, he’s producing other peoples records in his studio, being nominated for Grammy’s or chilling with Pearl Jam, Neil Young, and Elvis Costello. Recently, he was kind enough to do the same with me. Chris is one of my favorite guitarists and he has produced some of my favorite artists outside of Death Cab (Hot Hot Heat, The Decemberists, Velvet Teen, The Thermals) so this was a real treat. We talked about His solo record, which is scheduled to be released in September on Barsuk, the next Death Cab for Cutie record, what he’s been doing in his offtime and Barack Obama. I hope you enjoy, I sure did.

[mp3] Chris Walla – Radio
[mp3] Chris Walla – London’s Favorite Son
[mp3] Chris Walla – Doubts
[mp3] Death Cab for Cutie – Little Fury Bugs
[mp3] Death Cab for Cutie – Passenger Seat

Caleb (HTFAF): Hey, Chris

Walla: Hello, Sir!

Caleb (HTFAF): How is the solo record coming?

Walla: It’s on hold right now; I’m mixing the new Tegan and Sara record at the moment. I’ll start back in on the solo album mid-March, for delivery the first week of May, to be released the first week of September, I think.

Caleb (HTFAF): On Barsuk, correct?

Walla: That’s right.

Caleb (HTFAF): How’s that Tegan and Sara record coming?

Walla: The Tegan and Sara record is unbelievable – more than I could have ever asked for. It’s really different from So Jealous, much looser and more organic. The songs are pretty powerful, I think people will be surprised a little, but I’d be shocked if the world didn’t receive it well.

Caleb (HTFAF): You recently moved from Seattle to Portland and built a permanent home for your once nomadic studio, The Hall of Justice, which I understand has been renamed The Alberta Court. How are things coming along with that?

Walla: Yes! It’s good…There have been some glitches in the last week or so. My automation system caught fire, and it’s out of commission right now.

Caleb (HTFAF): That’s always a treat

Walla: Yeah, it Should be back up by tomorrow though.

Caleb (HTFAF): Has it been weird for you guys to be playing arena shows? I remember looking at your tour dates back in December and seeing “Death Cab for Cutie with Jenny Lewis – Key Arena, Seattle, WA” and thinking “WHAT?” That’s where the Sonics play, how could Death Cab possibly be playing there?

Walla: [Laughter] Well – It’s gotten to be more the norm than the exception, it seems, and so it’s been less awkward than it was a year or two ago.

Caleb (HTFAF): Do you ever wish you could go back to the days of playing The croc, and smaller places like that, again?

Walla: I certainly do and I think we will, at some point, for some good and right occasion, you know? I may play there for the solo tour actually.

Caleb (HTFAF): Are you planning a full tour solo, or just some one-off shows?

Walla: Hard to say right now. It could go either way. Depends a lot on the DCfC schedule, I think.

Caleb (HTFAF): Do you have any idea what that will look like, in terms of who will be playing with you?

Walla: I did, for a while, but I don’t know if anyone will still be able to play come August / September. I may have to rethink the whole thing. I’d rather not say names until it’s completely hammered out.

Caleb (HTFAF): So you mentioned “The DCFC schedule” what is on that right now? When do you guys plan on being back in the studio or on the road?

Walla: It’s hard to say, actually. We’re in the process of sorting out the details right now. There will be a Death Cab for Cutie record in 2008 – that’s about all that is certain right now.

Caleb (HTFAF): Do you guys still hang out in between tours and records? I mean I know you you spend a LOT of time on the road with Ben, Nick, and Jason.

Walla: Yeah, a fair bit, even considering I moved to Portland. Jason played the drums on the [Tegan & Sara] record, so he was down here for a few weeks. Ben and Nick have both been down for weekends to say hello, since they’re on much more flexible schedules than I am at the moment.

Caleb (HTFAF): Jason drums on the whole record?

Walla: That’s true, yes.

Caleb (HTFAF): What great news.

Walla: Totally. It’s Tegan and Sara; their guitar player Ted; Jason and myself; Hunter from AFI and Matt Sharp [Weezer, The Rentals.]

Caleb (HTFAF): You said after Plans was completed that you won’t be producing the next Death Cab album, is that still the case?

Walla: Well, it’s actually kinda up in the air at this point. Chances are good that I will, in fact, be producing the next [Death Cab for Cutie] album.

Caleb (HTFAF): What changed your mind?

Walla: I was hoping to find the perfect partner, but I think that my role in the band is such that I’d feel left out somehow if I wasn’t in charge of assembly, performances and conceptual management, if that makes any sense at all.

Caleb (HTFAF): Perfect sense. Are you excited about your solo record?

Walla: I really am, yeah. I have lots of fuel from the T&S [Tegan and Sara] record left to burn – I feel like I’m really in record mode, like I’m done with touring for a while.

It’s dark; it spans a lot of turf, in terms of style. A few songs came out of the batch of instrumentals that spawned ‘Brothers On A Hotel Bed;’ one song is a re-working of a seven year old song that’s never seen the light of day; lots of drum machines that don’t sound like drum machines and drums that don’t sound like drums…and I’ve been listening to a lot of Fleetwood Mac.

Caleb (HTFAF): Is there one particular Death cab song that you enjoy more than others?

Walla: I’ve always been fond of ‘Little Fury Bugs’ from the second record [We Have the Facts and We’re Voting Yes]. That one and ‘Passenger Seat’ [From the album Transatlanticism] are big ones for me.

Caleb (HTFAF): We Have The Facts is one of my favorite records of all time.

Walla: Great news. Thanks! There’s so much between the lines in that album, a lot of desperation and friction, three of us against the world, in a way. But the songs are really my favorite of Ben’s. I miss the veil that he used to write under, that sort of obscurity; something he’s traded for unflagging literalism on the more recent records. He’s an excellent storyteller, but it’s nice to not have all the details on the page sometimes.

Caleb (HTFAF): I know what you mean, things are so cryptic on everything pre-Photo Album, and then they sort of clear up.

Walla: Yeah, that’s the beginning of the cleaner, straighter writing.

Caleb (HTFAF): If you quit making music in all ways, shapes, and sizes today, what would be your fondest memories?

Walla: Sharing the stage with Elvis Costello is one. Sharing the stage with Neil Young is another.

Many of them, though, aren’t quite that ‘big’, though no less dramatic – one of the things I love the most about recording is that union of voyeurism, documentary and steward that happens when a musician performs for a recording.

Some of the stuff I’ve been able to see go down is pretty staggering – Colin’s [Meloy of the Decemberists] performance of ‘Eli, the Barrowboy’; Petra and Jenny’s performances on that same record; Dante DeCaro’s fucking unstoppable guitar playing on that Hot Hot Heat stuff I worked on; Judah’s vocal for ‘Red Like Roses’ on the first Velvet Teen full length; pretty much all of Hutch’s vocals for the second Thermals record, ‘I Will Follow You Into the Dark’ [From Death Cab for Cutie’s album, Plans] – all that stuff. It’s an incredible honor to be trusted with a performance, and even shocking when the best ones happen.

Caleb (HTFAF): Ok, let’s play fast money. What are you listening to?

Walla: The new Jarvis Cocker record. Also the new and as-yet-unreleased Laura Veirs record. She’s a genie.

Caleb (HTFAF): I celebrate her entire catalog

Walla: She’s my neighbor now! She’s like eight blocks away.

Caleb (HTFAF): What was the last book you read?

Walla: I just read ‘The Lion, the Witch And the Wardrobe’ [Part of the Chronicles of Narnia series, by C.S. Lewis] for the first time.

Caleb (HTFAF): Oh wow, did you enjoy it?

Walla: It’s perfect. My favorite part, honestly, is the dedication – I can’t think of a sweeter or humbler way to send off such a gorgeous labor of love.

Caleb (HTFAF): What was the last film you watched?

Walla: ‘When Harry Met Sally.’ I had never seen it before. It’s clearly the blueprint for ‘Friends’, and strangely, for ‘Seinfeld’, I think. Full of people who shouldn’t get along, characters you love to hate.

Caleb (HTFAF): What is your favorite guitar?

Walla: I do love the black Gibson J-180, the Everly Brothers guitar that Liz at American Music in Seattle suggested I check out. She was right; it’s a good one.

Caleb (HTFAF): Who is the best band I haven’t heard of yet?

Walla: Have you heard of So Many Dynamos?

Caleb (HTFAF): Oh, yes.

Walla: Via Audio?

Caleb (HTFAF): Yes! Great band. Nice people.

Walla: Yeah, They’re really good. Um…Ever heard of Komeda?

Caleb (HTFAF): No, should I?

Walla: Yes, they’re defunct now, sadly, but great nonetheless.

Caleb (HTFAF): What are you excited about these days, Chris?

Walla: A few things, right now – The Tegan and Sara record. Honestly, I don’t know that I’ve ever been so excited about an album I’m working on. Barack Obama has me pretty thrilled at the moment.

Caleb (HTFAF): Me too.

Walla: And my coming vacation to Alaska – three weeks in May.

Caleb (HTFAF): What will you be doing in Alaska?

Walla: Drilling for oil and clubbing baby harbor seals…not really.

Caleb (HTFAF): [Laughter], There goes your PETA endorsement.

Walla: Probably true, that!

Caleb (HTFAF): Thank you for allowing me to jeopardize your incredibly limited free time, Chris. You are a gentleman and a scholar.

Walla: Thanks, you as well. Take care, Caleb.

Everything But Sleep, Where Does it Go?

February 22, 2007

(Photo Cred)
I suffer from Insomnia alot. I very routinely wake up every hour on the hour from 2 am until whenever I decide to get out of bed, this is what I listened to last night/this morning in an attempt to remedy this problem. The crazy part is it actually worked so I figured I should share it. Even if you don’t share my problem these songs are all fantastic

[mp3] Explosions in the Sky – Day Eight
[mp3] Denison Witmer – Everything But Sleep
[mp3] Andrew Bird – Lull
[mp3] Arcade Fire – Cold Wind
[mp3] Godspeed You Black Emperor – The Buildings, The Are Sleeping Now
[mp3] Grizzly Bear – Lullabye
[mp3] Bonnie Prince Billy – Cursed Sleep
[mp3] Lullaby For the Working Class – Good Morning

Anything else I should have included? Am I missing the mother of all sleep songs?


February 22, 2007

Doctor Mooney’s 115 Dream has a great collection of Lennon rarities

Aquarium Drunkard
has a phenomenal Beth Orton/M. Ward show that includes a co-cover of the Dylan classic Buckets of Rain

That’s what I suggest you do with your e-time today

David Bazan + Will Johnson Tour Dates

February 21, 2007

David Bazan (Pedro the Lion, Headphones, David Bazan) and Will Johnson (Centro-Matic, South San Gabriel, Will Johnson) will be headed out for a short string of solo dates, mostly across the midwest. I can say from experience that neither one of these fine songwriters should be missed.
Both of these fellows can sing, like really sing, not like that cool Indie rock off kilter moan/sing, more like the room filling vocals and haunting falsettos you’ll want to listen to over and over over and over. Check out the Live Undertow Orchestra mp3’s beneath for proof.

The Dates

Thu 03/15 | Spokane WA @ HUB Cafe – Whitworth College
Bazan w/ J. Wong

Fri 03/16 | Tacoma WA @ Club SOTA
Bazan w/ TBA

Thu 03/29 | Buffalo NY @ The Icon
w/ TBA

Fri 03/30 | Ithaca NY @ Cornell University – Becker House
w/ TBA

Wed 04/11 | Milwaukee WI @ Shank Hall
w/ Will Johnson

Thu 04/12 | Madison WI @ University of Wisconsin – Union South
w/ Will Johnson

Fri 04/13 | Iowa City IA @ The Picador
w/ Will Johnson and Caleb Engstrom

Sat 04/14 | Omaha NE @ Saddle Creek Bar
w/ Will Johnson

Sun 04/15 | Lawrence KS @ Bottleneck
w/ Will Johnson

Mon 04/16 | Norman OK @ The Opolis
w/ Will Johnson

Tue 04/17 | Fayetteville AR @ Dickson Theater
w/ Will Johnson

Wed 04/18 | Springfield MO @ Randy Bacon Gallery
w/ Will Johnson

Thu 04/19 | St. Louis MO @ The Billiken Club
w/ Will Johnson

Fri 04/20 | Bloomington IN @ Bear’s Place Bar
w/ Will Johnson

Sat 04/21 | Champaign IL @ High Dive
w/ Will Johnson and Caleb Engstrom

[mp3] David Bazan – Backwoods Nation
[mp3] David Bazan – How I Remember

[mp3] Cebtro-Matic – Calling Thermatico
[mp3] Centro-Matic – Love Has Found Me

[mp3] David Bazan w/ The Undertow Orchestra – Bands With Managers
[mp3] Will Johnson w/ The Undertow Orchestra – Tent of Total Mystery

Buy Any of these records here.

Girls just Wanna Have really good Indie Rock Bands

February 21, 2007

It’s true ya know? So why not a post to celebrate it?
There are very few things more satisfying than driving to Julie Doiron’s I Left Town or singing along to Rilo Kiley’s Does He Love You or playing air guitar while listening to Via Audio’s Mouth Shut or falling asleep to Camera Obscura’s Books Written for Girls. I hope you enjoy.

[mp3] Rilo Kiley – Does He Love You?
[mp3] Via Audio – Mouth Shut
[mp3] Deerhoof – L’Amour Stories
[mp3] Camera Obscura – Books Written for Girls
[mp3] Feist – My Man, My Moon
[mp3] Julie Dorion – I Left Town
[mp3] Mates of State – Beautiful Dreamer
[mp3] Headlights – TV

Buy All of these fine records here, except for Via Audio’s EP which can and should be purchased here.

Did I leave anyone off, who should have been included?

Here Comes the Sun Again

February 19, 2007

(Photo Cred.)

Nashville was hit by a mini snow storm over the last 4 days, and while this is usually a treat, I am simply ready for the 70 and sunny days of spring. The following is a mix I made for today; the day that the remaining ice and snow melted away, these songs have sun and flowers and friends and cars with the windows down and parks and late nights inside of them.

[mp3] M. Ward – Here Comes the Sun Again
[mp3] Wilco – I’m a Wheel
[mp3] The Long Winters – Pushover
[mp3] Pavement – Shady Lane
[mp3] Oh No! Oh My! – Walk in the Park
[mp3] The Shins – Turn On me
[mp3] The Thermals – Pillar of Salt
[mp3] Beck – Black Tambourine
[mp3] Headlights – Put us Back Together Right
[mp3] The Elected – Old Times
[mp3] Portastatic – I Wanna Know Girls

You Had Me at Talk Talk

February 15, 2007

I received an email from Domino Records regarding new material from a lad named James Yorkston, and it’s positively wonderful. At first I was skeptical (How many singer-songwriters can you enjoy before they all sound the same?) but once I saw it was produced by Talk Talk’s Paul Webb, I was sold. It’s probably the strangest music I’ve received all week, but I can also say that it’s the best.
Sorry for the short post, I have quite a busy day!

[mp3] James Yorkston – Woozy with Cider
[mp3] James Yorkston – Summer Song

Bright Eyes – November 22, 2005 The Palladium, Worcester, MA.

February 11, 2007

As previously mentioned Bright Eyes are touring in support of their newest EP Four Winds which is due out March 6 on Saddle Creek. The EP (from the four songs I’ve heard) is quite good, mixing some of the poppiest and some of the most subdued Oberst material to date. I thought those of you who are anticipating these dates could use a little taste. The following show was preformed by Oberst and a full cast of his friends and fellow musicians at the The Palladium in Worcester, MA. This tour was not in support of an album which gave Conor free rein of the setlist, making it a very good show with songs ranging from A Collection of Songs to newly written and unreleased material.

Bright Eyes @ The Palladium: Worcester, MA, Novemebr 22, 2005

[mp3] Sunrise, Sunset
[mp3] Old Soul Song
[mp3] Arienette
[mp3] Bowl of Oranges
[mp3] I won’t Ever Be Happy Again
[mp3] Hit the Switch
[mp3] The Calender Hung Itself
[mp3] We are Nowhere and It’s now
[mp3] False Advertising
[mp3] Hell is Coming, Hell is Here (Unreleased)
[mp3] Falling outta Love At This Volume
[mp3] Kathy with a K’s Song
[mp3] Goldmine Gutted
[mp3] True Blue
[mp3] To Love and To Be Loved

Enjoy! If I messed up any of the links let me know in the comments.

The Meter Marks ok

February 9, 2007

I’ve been spending alot of time with Loney, Dear’s newest work Loney Noir . Loney Dear is Emil Svanängen, a swede who writes delicate orchestrated bedroom pop. Right…and why do i care? Well, I’ll tell you, good reader, I’ll tell you exactly why you should care.

There’s something special about Emil’s songs, a feeling of familiarity. The first time I listened to the disc, I felt instantly familiar with the songs, their melodic properties and their overtly personal words.

Loney, Dear is currently on a U.S. tour, you may find the dates here.

[mp3] Loney Dear – The Meter Marks ok
[mp3] Loney Dear – I Am John
[mp3] Loney Dear – No One Can Win