Reminder: In Our Bedroom After the War

A while back I reviewed the wonderful (sort of) newly released Stars record entitled In Our Bedroom After the War. Arts and Crafts really “got it” with this one I think, releasing the album on digital outlets early to combat the leak rather than freaking out and trying to sue people. I personally plan on picking up a physical copy for this very reason, as should you if you haven’t picked it up by now, it’s available on CD and beautiful vinyl now, and it’s an amazing record.

I love how fearless Torquil, Milan and co. have become on this effort. They’re totally unashamed of having a Prince song, an eighties synth ballad, a Morrisey song, and blatantly-theatrical, haunting epics on the same record, and it totally works.

Buy it now from insound.

[mp3] Stars – Bitches in Tokyo
[mp3] Stars – In Our Bedroom After the War

One Response to “Reminder: In Our Bedroom After the War”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    It’s very good. It’s really a shame that they had to release it early.

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