Monday Covers

Every once in a while I find myself in the mood to listen to talented people sing karaoke. Some may simply call this covering a song, but it’s more fun to think of it as talented people singing karaoke. I’m done with the ironic cover, I think. I don’t laugh anymore when bands cover top 40 hits to be funny. Take Dan Rossen/Department of Eagles JoJo cover, that I can appreciate because he just sang the song, rather then mocking it he mined for it’s potential. No more ironic covers, just do it or don’t.

[mp3] Chris Walla – Too Gone (The Connels)
[mp3] Denison Witmer – Have You Forgotten? (Red House Painters)
[mp3] Wilco & Billy Bragg – At My Window, Sad & Lonely (Woody Guthrie)
[mp3] Casiotone for the Painfully Alone – Graceland (Paul Simon)
[mp3] Bishop Allen – Ring of Fire (Johnny Cash)

One Response to “Monday Covers”

  1. Taylor B. Says:

    Oh man, I love the Connells. They are still a hidden gem to a lot of folks. Another Souvenir, Scotty’s Lament, 74-75. Good stuff. The Walla cover is really good too-really stripped down. They should have tacked this on to Narrow Stairs haha..

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