A Mix for the Bail-Out

If you live under a rock you might not know that we’re currently in a “credit crisis,” “financial downturn,” or, as the history books have always seemed to call what we’re in – a recession. You might also not yet be aware that as we speak the United States Senate is negotiating a deal with the chairman of the federal reserve and the secretary of the treasury to give a bunch of companies with, apparently, irresponsible CEO’s a lot of money to be irresponsible again with. Some economists say that it’s a necesary evil, and that the consequences of nothooking up that sweet bail-out cash are far worse than ponying up the loot itself. Other economists are saying Ben Bernanke is super annoying. I’m saying that since I’m about to be purchasing a vehicle and I might have killed my computer yesterday that i too would like a bailout, but you can have me for $7,500 instead of 750 Billion

At any rate, here we are for better or worse. In a recession, at war, trying to decide who will hope in the drivers seat of this flaming death trap, and I feel fine. Did anyone see the Office last night? How about that ending…

[mp3] Andrew Bird – Yawny At The Apocalypse
[mp3] Deseparecidos – $$$$
[mp3] Ben Kweller – Hear Me Out
[mp3] Fionn Regan – The End of History
[mp3] Beulah – Silver Lining

5 Responses to “A Mix for the Bail-Out”

  1. MJG Says:

    If you mean the Toby ending…poor fellow.

  2. Brad Says:

    I agree, things are going to the pot with our country, but at least we still have good music and the Office to keep us sane. On the other hand, if we go into a depression, maybe Sallie Mae will forget that I exist…hmm.

  3. Howard Says:

    First the Democrats blindly follow Obama … now, they are willing to blindly follow Reid, Bush and Paulson … in a decision which could dramatically affect every American for decades. Well, thank God, Senator John McCain, Senator Shelby, and hundreds of economists don’t just want to take a few people’s word for it. Already, Reid has tried to tack additional pork, like Acorn, to this bailout. I didn’t think I could dislike inept Harry Reid, with his 15% approval rating, any more than I already did, but this isn’t about Reid being left alone to decide America’s future. It will be interesting to look back at this in retrospect, to see if we really did have to RUSH this 750 Billion dollar decision … and, who really benefitted from pushing it through so quickly. Also, what’s Alan Greenspan’s opinon ???

  4. Raymond J. Hammond Says:

    i love it when right wing trolls post on music blogs.

  5. Lena Says:

    Ah it was a great ending! Both parts. I miss Toby and I hope he comes back, after Holly gets fired for sleeping with her boss.

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