You’ve been Punk’d by Ben Folds

Remember that album announcement we talked about a while back? A few of you dudes commented that this was all a fake perpetrated by Mr. Folds himself. Well, it turns out you were right! Ben and the band recorded several fake versions of real songs, and songs that are fake altogether then leaked the thing onto the internets in what is, purposely or not, a pretty genius PR move. Maybe Ben was just doing it for the practical joke of it all, certainly wouldn’t seem out of character for the man who brought us Whatever & Ever Amen, or maybe Ben should plan your company’s net viral marketing campaign.

Either way, Way to Normal, the real version, comes out September 16th via Epic, and you can hear samples of the real songs at Rolling Stone. They sound great! The drums on Brainwashed are enough to renew my faith in the Folded one. Hear the samples here.

[mp3] Ben Folds – Trusted

Buy Ben Folds records at insound.

2 Responses to “You’ve been Punk’d by Ben Folds”

  1. Nick Flora Says:

    Hats off to you, Mr. Folds

  2. Lela Says:

    The album release date is actually september 30th

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