The Olympics Start Today

Who else is pumped? I mean, the things come once every four years, you know they’re good But really, I’m pretty excited about the Olympics: something about them has always fascinated me. They’re not just the biggest sporting event in the world, they’re also a political event, ya see, and this year’s olympics (in case you live under a metaphorical rock) are being held in China, which should make for some interesting times to say the least. Yay America.

[mp3] Broken Social Scene – Canada Vs. America
[mp3] James Figurine – All The Way To China
[mp3] Wilco – Impossible Germany
[mp3] Billy Bragg – A New England

3 Responses to “The Olympics Start Today”

  1. ryno Says:

    the BSS song is easily one of their best(IMO)…

  2. Smansmith Says:

    Nice Olympic post!! Very excited as well – who knew I liked discus??

    Cda vs. America….if we only had a chance…..

    ~your CDN contingent.

  3. doug Says:

    I was digginnnngggg, digging a hole, in my yaarrrrrrddddd

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