Radiohead w/ Grizzly Bear : 8.3.2008, Indianapolis, IN.

“Good evening, we’re Radiohead…if you’re here for Kid Rock you’ve come to the wrong place,” were the first words we heard Thom Yorke mumble Sunday night to a few thousand men, women, and children at Indianapolis’ Verizon Wireless Music Center. Thom, Jonny, Ed, Phil, & Colin would spend the next few hours proving that they were, in fact, still Radiohead, and though they’re all at, above, or near forty years old – they have no problems whatsoever putting on one of the most exciting and mesmerizing shows in music.

Grizzly Bear took the stage at 7:30 with the sun still shining quite brightly and quite intensely over the Indianapolis field. After a verbal note of how crazy and surreal it was to be opening for Radiohead they launched into a respectfully short 8 song set before quickly clearing the stage and making way for the evening’s main attraction. A few new song were played including those which were debuted on Letterman (Two Weeks, While You Wait for the Others) to a mostly appreciative crowd (the lady who sold me my water was inquizitive about the Brooklyn 4-piece ad seemed downright enthused when I told her they kinda sounded like Pet Sounds). The highlight of the set was Two Weeks, which I now refer to as Ed’s Judy Garland number – complete with awkward swaying, mic holding, a lot of rhodes, and a bit of omnichord.

Then it happened; Radiohead took the stage. I got chills, and we all started smiling uncontrollably for no reason. Me and my friends, we just looked at each other smiling ear to ear, waiting for the first thuds of 15 Step to ring out, knowing we were fulfilling a life-long dream of seeing Radiohead play music live and in person. We sang along to every note at the top of our lungs, we danced like there was no tommorow to Idioteque, Bangers & Mash, & The National Anthem. We looked on in awe as Thom sang Videotape to thousands of adording fans who were near-tears. We cheered in disbelief as they played setlist surprises like Pyramid Song, How to Disapear Completely, & You & Whose Army?. When the show was over we talked alot about how we could die happy now, and how Radiohead are our Beatles, and how I’d save my ticket stub to show my kids in 2030 when they’re listening to KID A on “CD” and being cool and ironic. It was perfect.

Radiohead – How To Dissapear Completely
[mp3] Radiohead – Just
[mp3] Grizzly Bear – Two Weeks (Live on Letterman)

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5 Responses to “Radiohead w/ Grizzly Bear : 8.3.2008, Indianapolis, IN.”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    I was there. it changed my life.

  2. Kasper Says:

    Haha. I totally get the “smiling for no apparent reason” thing… happened for me too.

  3. Anonymous Says:

    Anyone else notice the guy behind Thom Yorke looks alot like Elliot Smith in that picture?

  4. Caleb Says:

    That “guy” is Colin Greenwood, sir.

  5. ms k Says:

    I saw them at APW… it was the best thing that has ever happened to me. Love Radiohead.

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