In all the Radiohead excitement, don’t forget about

I am seeing Radiohead in five days. Five freaking days. But, I’m also seeing Grizzly Bear and that brings me no small amount of joy in itself. This will be the first time I’ve seen the Brooklyn harmony experts, and I’m psyched to say the least. There new record is shaping up to be pretty wonderful if the Letterman appearances are any indication, and let’s not forget about Daniel’s Jo Jo covering skills.

Has anyone seen the Grizz live? What should I expect? Do they play Lullabye? What about Deep Blue Sea? Is Ed as perfect vocally as he seems to be?

[mp3] Daniel Rossen – Too Little, Too Late (Jo Jo)
[mp3] Grizzly Bear – Deep Blue Sea

Buy Grizzly Bear records at insound.

7 Responses to “In all the Radiohead excitement, don’t forget about”

  1. Lena Says:

    Yes! It’s incredible–Ed is definitely as perfect as you could hope, and they just put on a great show. Emotional, beautiful, raw and powerful. I remember being awestruck as the music washed over me; I was completely immersed in a sea of sound. I believe they did play Lullaby but I’m not 100% sure (it was over a year ago). Get ready for an amazing show regardless!

  2. Caleb Says:


  3. Poei Says:

    cant wait to see them at apw 🙂

  4. Ms. K Says:

    I am also going to see Radiohead! Just as excited as you!!

  5. LeeEster Says:

    I witnessed Grizzly Bear in Calgary in a quaint church setting. They delivered the most humble and intricate performance you could imagine. Hopefully the intimacy can be matched with the onset of Radiohead… but expect the best.

  6. Anonymous Says:

    WTF mate no bandwidth!?!?!

  7. seaflowers Says:

    re-up? bandwidth exceeded. thx.

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