She & Him : Even More Beautiful and Heartbreaking When Unplugged

Sometimes songs, great songs, can be far more effective when performed with voice and minimal instrumental accompaniment. That’s the test of a truly great song, does it sound as good with one guitar in your bedroom as it does through the studio monitors?

This song passes with flying colors: actually, it never even caught my ear on the record, but man is this version of it amazing. Zooey’s voice is such a nice throwback, and Matt is great as always.

[mp3] She & Him – You Really Got a Hold On Me (Live – Acoustic on Mtv Canada)

3 Responses to “She & Him : Even More Beautiful and Heartbreaking When Unplugged”

  1. TRAYB Says:

    Fun. I saw She & Him last night at the Variety in Atlanta, and it was really an outstanding show.
    Their performance of Joni Mitchell's "You Turn Me On I'm A Radio" was exceptional. Zooey also sang a new song not on the album, though I don't know the name of it.

  2. Anonymous Says:

    Mp3 doesn’t seem to work: MySQL Error: Table ‘./hotlinkfiles/uploader_userfolders’ is marked as crashed and should be repaired on line 27 in /sites/

  3. cody Says:

    Zooey came to the grocery store I work in before a show a week or two ago. She was kind of rude and weird; I was kind of sad.

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