Rolling Stone gives Fleet Foxes 4 Stars

Holy parallel universe, Batman! If you’d have told me a year ago the Fleet Foxes record would be reviewed in Rolling Stone, nonetheless given 4 stars, I’d have insulted your mother. But here we are, in a parallel universe where, at least for now, Indie Rock has spilled over squarely into the spotlight of mainstream media outlets (flailing though they may be). The review is actually pretty good, and obviously favorable.

The foxes are still on tour of everywhere in the world, ever, and you can see their itinerary here to plan accordingly.

[mp3] Fleet Foxes – Oliver James (Live – Backstage in Nashville) – from our Backstage Session with frontman Robin Pecknold.

2 Responses to “Rolling Stone gives Fleet Foxes 4 Stars”

  1. Aubrey Says:

    I saw this!!! So crazy, but so good for them

  2. Matthew Says:

    I’m seeing them at The Black Cat in DC on Monday. Double booyah.

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