It was only a matter of time : Fleet Foxes gets remixed

I don’t know…I mean on one hand, the tribal thing and the little siren kind of works on an urban meadow type level, but also, it kind of ruins the core appeal of the song in a way. I’m a bit torn at the moment. Of course, I’m not usually one to like remixes either. What do you think?

[mp3] Fleet Foxes – White Winter Hymnal (Black Dominoes Remix)

16 Responses to “It was only a matter of time : Fleet Foxes gets remixed”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    more exciting than the original at least

  2. Alec Says:

    dear anonymous

    you’re a fucking idiot. this remix sucks. why would you even take such a pussy slam at the original? fag.

  3. ben Says:

    I like it but the original is better

  4. Anonymous Says:

    you clearly have a refined music taste. use some refined vocabulary and a bit more subltely, and you might actually persuade a couple of people to agree with you.
    calling people ‘fucking idiots’ because they are sharing an opinion makes you the very model of one.

  5. Anonymous Says:

    im alright with it. after a few listens i’ll probably like it more than the original. now it sounds canadian 🙂

    oh yeah- alec really needs to turn off the computer in the frat house and go back to listening to hoobastank and looking for girls to date-rape. get back in your yellow hummer ‘bro.’

  6. Parker Says:

    This is shit.

  7. Alec Says:

    you guys are both gay! you probably want to make out with each other, gaywads

  8. Alec's bro Stevie Says:

    Seriously, totally fags, losers!

  9. Alec Says:

    you tell those buttslammers, stevie. let’s go have a case of miller chill

  10. Anonymous Says:

    I cast a vote of indifference.

  11. ben Says:

    alec heart stevie

  12. Anonymous Says:

    God. The bongos in the beginning were bad. My suggestion for any musician who wants to play latin percussion in a song should at least be somewhat familiar with latin music.

  13. Miss Molly Says:

    I wish I had never heard that.

  14. andy Says:

    that….was terrible. i think my ears are bleeding. DESTROYED a great song.

  15. CP Says:


    its not much of a remix…more of a clutter-up of a wonderfully pleasant song. isn’t a remix supposed to change it up a bit? dissect the parts? all this does is add more STUFF. and it fails to add anything interesting…weird…i guess i don’t get it….

  16. Anonymous Says:

    very very good

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