Fleetwood Mac vs. The Beegees

So, I signed on this morning….okay I didn’t sign on because this isn’t 1999 and I’m not using America Online, but i opened Firefox this morning and the words fleetwood mac caught my eye on the yahoo homepage. It was in the “recently discussed on yahoo answers” section and it was a battle between Fleetwood Mac and the Beegees. Now, to me this is a silly proposal. The Beegees are great, but no one compares to Fleetwood Mac!

I encourage all of you to settle this the democratic way (all though yahoo might not like that) and vote for Buckingham, Nicks, Fleetwood, & McVie.

[mp3] Fleetwood Mac – Songbird
[mp3] Coldplay – Songbird (Oasis Cover)

I know the second one is in no way related to F.M. but it showed up when i was trying to find the former and I figured why the heck not.

4 Responses to “Fleetwood Mac vs. The Beegees”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    both really really suck

  2. Caleb Says:

    Hold your tongue in my presence if you want to speak about FM that way.

  3. Nick Says:

    This is a lie! We all know the Beegees are better.

  4. Woods Says:

    Obviously the Bee Gees have contributed much to society (falsetto croonings, hastening the public revulsion of commercial disco, codpieces), but in a question of them VS Fleetwood Mac the answer is so clearly FM that to debate would be a gigantic waste of time. Did the Gibbs bros snort mountains of coke while bashing away on homemade drums in their LA bathroom (because the acoustics “sounded better”), and as a result come up with the shining pop brilliance of “What Makes You Think You’re The One” or did they not? They did not.

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