Ra Ra Riot Sign to Barsuk!

Well this is good news! The wonderful Ra Ra Riot have inked their names on the dotted line with the also wonderful Barsuk Records. The North-Easterners will satisfy a niche in Barsuk’s corner they haven’t quite tapped yet, I’d say. A bit more dancy than the pop of The Long Winters, a bit more sophisticated than the average band whose pop is more dancy than the Long Winters (read: english sounding voice and strings = success!). I, for one am excited to see such a great band get such a great home.

A few dates
this year to see too.

3 Responses to “Ra Ra Riot Sign to Barsuk!”

  1. Anonymous Says:


  2. Anonymous Says:

    aww, what a great thing to happen to them after they suffered such a terrible loss.
    congrats to ra ra riot!

  3. Caleb Says:

    agreed 🙂 I’m sure John would be psyched.

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