Woman V. Machine

In this, my most favorite new viral video clip, the good Senator Clinton attempts to operate a gas station cappuccino machine to make herself look blue collar, and if the whole obvious charade of it enough weren’t as insulting enough, the fact that she’s clearly never seen one of these things surely soured her photo op. Regardless of your political leanings this year, though I personally hope it’s toward a certain Illinois senator, this is pure gold.

[mp3] Belle & Sebastian – She’s Losing It
[mp3] Bright Eyes – When The Curious Girl Realizes She’s Under Glass

6 Responses to “Woman V. Machine”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    this is a music blog.
    not politics.

  2. Caleb Says:

    Hey, I posted mp3’s leave me alone šŸ™‚

    Sorry, I just really love this video. No more politics until November.

  3. Anonymous Says:

    that’s a different version of the original bright eyes track.
    where is it from?

  4. Caleb Says:

    Either the insound thing or a 7” Can’t remember

  5. alissa Says:

    her attempts to make herself look blue collar are almost as funny as obama’s attempts but i guess in the end he’s able to fool massive numbers of people and she isn’t… but i guess maybe its cause she’s not giving in half the effort to put on a front as he is.

    and yes this is a music blog but in no way should that stop you from expressing a political opinion. obviously there shouldn’t be more politics than music, or even political posts that often, but its nice to make people think and to see that others give a shit, even if i disagree with it.

  6. Dianna Says:

    The funniest thing to me is when people are like, “oh my god, _______ is such a politician.” Maybe it’s just me, but I thought that was a prerequisite to running for president.

    Very funny clip, though, for sure.

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