A Conversation With The New Pornographers [Video pt.1]

We’re honored to do our first video conversation with a band as great as The New Pornographers. It was also nice to learn that in addition to being great songwriters &musicians, they’re also nice, grounded, gentle human beings who like their friends, love their jobs, and still can’t believe they get to make music for a living.

Note: it was also great to hear venue staff who were confused at the band’s name. Apparently the sound man thought the New Pornographers was not a band name, but a literal traveling group of pornographers. Gotta love Nashville.

The following interview took place on Friday April 18th, Backstage at the Cannery Ballroom in Nashville, TN. This is part one of the interview, part two will be available later this week.

Watch the HD version here!

L to R : Kathryn Calder (Keyboards, Vocals), Carl Newman (Songwriter, Guitar Vocals), John Collins (Bass, Guitar)

One Response to “A Conversation With The New Pornographers [Video pt.1]”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    Thanks for this interview! I didn’t see a link to Part 2…is it up yet?

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