Oberst to put out solo LP…..on merge

So this is the oddest news I’ve heard all week for a few reasons. One, of course being what is the difference between a solo record and a Bright Eyes record? I would say Mike Mogis, but I find it hard to believe he won’t be involved in some way, especially considering it was produced by long-time Bright Eyes pseudo-member Andy Lemaster. Secondly, it’s pretty odd that the record isn’t coming out on the label that Oberst helped build and has spent his entire career pushing and helping to grow, maybe even more odd that it’s not being released on Saddle Creek sub-label Team Love, which Oberst himself runs.

Regardless, I’m sure there is some perfectly logical explination and I’m ure someone’s publicist or manager will be telling us all what that is within a day or two Until then speculate on who is in the “Mystic Valley Band”

Conor Oberst (Tracklist): (Merge – 8/5)

01 Cape Cañaveral
02 Sausalito
03 Get-Well-Cards
04 Lenders in the Temple
05 Danny Callahan
06 I Don’t Want to Die (in the Hospital)
07 Eagle on a Pole
08 Moab
09 NYC – Gone, Gone
10 Valle Místico (Ruben’s Song)
11 Souled Out!!!
12 Milk Thistle

[mp3] Bright Eyes – Conor Oberst

(I have no idea where or when I got this, but it’s old)

Buy Bright Eyes / Oberst records at insound.

9 Responses to “Oberst to put out solo LP…..on merge”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    Maybe it’s the m ward connection?

  2. Anonymous Says:

    The mp3 is a Park Ave. song called “Invitation to a Closet”…

  3. Caleb Says:

    awesome. thanks. It was atgged wrong.

  4. Anonymous Says:

    whatever happened to the band with m. ward and jim james?

  5. noah Says:

    the band is nik frietas and the drummer from rilo kiley

  6. Anonymous Says:

    uhh… the difference between a solo record and a bright eyes record is a 20+ person band.

  7. Anonymous Says:

    it’s also a clever money-making gimmick, no?

  8. Anonymous Says:

    yeah, definitly a park ave. song

  9. Anonymous Says:

    you can hear a live concert of this material at the following two links:


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