Destroyer : Trouble In Dreams

Let’s get this out of the way right off the bat. If you’ve never liked Destroyer you won’t like this record. If you’ve liked Destroyer, you’ll freaking love this record. Dan Bejar, responsible songwriter for so many good New Porno’s jams, and accomplished solo artist (est 1995) simply knows how to write awesome pop songs, and this has never been more evident than on his new release Trouble In Dreams.

Trademark theatrical vocals are now backed by Bejar’s most memorable musical compositions yet. Circling piano lines, pounding thuds of floor tom, lala’s, and the biggest lead guitar line you could get away with on an indie rock song set the stage for a wonderful time on Dark Leaves From a Thread. It’s without doubt my favorite track from the record so I decided to feature it. This one’s great for the lovely spring weather we’re having in Tennessee right now.


[mp3] Destroyer – Dark Leaves From a Thread

Buy Trouble in Dreams now at insound.

One Response to “Destroyer : Trouble In Dreams”

  1. Miss Molly Says:

    I was expecting a rap post. What the deal young’n?

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