Wait, you’re really surprised Michael Stipe is gay?

So a few days ago Stereogum breaks how REM frontman Michael Stipe is officially gay….and people freak out sort of. Really? I mean, in the history of secretly gay gay people, Michael Stipe is the most obvious there is. That’s not even to speak of the fact that one stereogum commenter pointed out that he actually officially came out in 2001.

FURTHERMORE, none of this should matter. Gay or not, Stipe is still making pretty great music, and you can buy his band’s new record on April 1. So stop being surprised at something you should’ve already known and go look for a leak of Accelerate

I can’t confirm, but I heard Elton John MIGHT be gay too.

[mp3] REM – Leaving New York

7 Responses to “Wait, you’re really surprised Michael Stipe is gay?”

  1. Grady Highberry Says:

    I hate to say it… but it’s all about PR. new record… lead singer comes out (again). I bet the 1991 coming out was around the time of a new record too. Just like some people announcing they are going to rehab right before a new record. or dating another famous person leading up to the release of a new movie. especially if they are in the movie together (Jennifer Aniston / Vince Vaughn). ever notice as soon the promo for the movie is over the couple usually breaks up… but are still good friends. It’s all about the $$$.

  2. Kasper Says:

    Two things wrong with this post:

    1. It’s called Accelerate. No -ion.

    2. Of all the awesome R.E.M. tracks ever made you post Leaving New York!??!

  3. Caleb Says:

    HA! I was wondering if anyone would comment on that. I didn’t have my external HD with me which left me with an extremely limited amount of music and…..for some reason I had Leaving New York on here….I don’t know why.

    Oh, and thanks for the correction.

  4. Alec Says:

    At least you didn’t post Orange Crush.

  5. Kasper Says:

    Hahaha… no problem. I thought to myself: “That can’t be right?!”

    Alec what’s wrong with Orange Crush?

  6. Anonymous Says:

    Shock! I heard rumours that Rufus Wainwright is gay too – I’ll have to burn all his CDs!

  7. Anonymous Says:

    I thought everyone knew for years that he was gay?! Next someone will be outing Graham Norton! Accelerate rocks btw.

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