Headlights : Hard to Find a Friend’s Backstage Sessions

Hard to Find a Friend Presents : The Backstage Sessions
Featuring : Headlights
February 17, 2008
The End – Nashville, TN

The four gentleman and one lady who comprise Headlights rolled into Nashville on a cool Sunday evening with the odds stacked squarely against them. It’s hard enough getting people in the southeastern U.S. to do anything besides go to church on a Sunday, and it’s even harder to get them to go to a show that doesn’t start until 10:00 on a school/work night. None of this seemed to matter though, as I watched the intimate cube of wood and stale beer that people call The End fill up with bodies. The band played a near flawless set on this, the second night of their tour, and everyone left happy. However, before all of this they played some songs and talked to us, the documentation of which can be found below.

The size of the room vs. the number of instruments made mixing difficult. The video camera I forgot to charge and it’s dying battery which left me tethered to a 3 foot chord, along with the room simply being too small for me to set up a tripod, made for some rough jumps and zooms. Hopefully those uncontrollable factors won’t detract from the wonderful songs we just completed eight hours of work on. Small things with great love, they say.

Headlights have released a new record for you to enjoy today, all three of these songs are on which, and it can be purchased here.


[mp3] Headlights – Towers (Live – Backstage Session)
Headlights – Market Girl (Live – Backstage Session)
[mp3] Headlights – Cherry Tulips (Backstage Session)
[mp3] Headlights – Interview (Live – Backstage Session)

[mp4] Headlights – Towers (Live – Backstage Session – iPod/iPhone video)
[mp4] Headlights – Market Girl (Live – Backstage Session – iPod/iPhone video)
[mp4] Headlights – Market Girl (Live – Backstage Session – iPod/iPhone video)

8 Responses to “Headlights : Hard to Find a Friend’s Backstage Sessions”

  1. Marie Says:

    LOVE IT! Towers makes me melt.

  2. Grady Highberry Says:

    that is a fine Champaign Jam!

  3. the juice luvs u Says:

    oh man oh man… dude you are amazing for posting this. your blog is too cool.

  4. Luis Says:

    That was beautiful

  5. Anonymous Says:

    So good. She is the most gorgeous woman in indie rock.

  6. Anonymous Says:

    thanks for this!!cant wait to see them on sunday!

  7. Justin Andréas Says:

    So this is what all the fuss is about and why you’re always up so late. You realize you’ve got a new post here every day? Very glad Master Baker directed me here to tap into what you all have been doing. And a fine job he did on capturing this backstage business, too. I quite like the sound of “Towers” in particular. (Keys and mallets are always endearing, but I’m really a sucker for an accordion, you may not realize.) Anyway. This is truly excellent work, Caleb…

  8. Anonymous Says:

    i love their music!!!! they are so wonderful live!

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