Things could multiply at a falling rate

It’s here, kids. The song of the summer: the one you’ll listen to in March when things start to get warm and not tire of, so long as sunny rays are fueling your little solar-powered heart. If you’d have asked me last week, I’d have told you it belonged to Vampire Weekend, but now I’m sure I was wrong. There are songs that have melodies you remember when you hear them, and there are songs you can’t possibly forget no matter how hard you try. Those are the songs that you find yourself humming when you can’t sleep at night, when you’re driving in your car, walking to class, growing restless at work, or pretty much any other time that your brain is operating.

Throw me the Statue is Scott Reitherman, a guy from Seattle, as best I can tell, and that made me happy. There are no extensive credits to put in parentheses next to his name, no reason I have to give you to listen to his music, just that it’s wonderful.

If you do not instantly fall in love with this song, I’ll try to find a way to refund you your 5 megabytes.

[mp3] Throw Me The Statue – Lolita

Buy Throw Me The Statue’s music at insound.

7 Responses to “Things could multiply at a falling rate”

  1. mr. kyle Says:

    Dude, you got me all psyched up, but the link comes up not found!

  2. DL Says:

    I compeletely agree, but for me the better song is “About to Walk.” After listening to it from the KEXP Song-a-Day podcast, I found it popping into my brain day and night. I couldn’t get it out of my head, and I didn’t want to, either. I’m one who usually listens to albums as a whole, but I must have listened to that song 20 times in two days. That’s an album I’m definitely buying next week.

  3. Caleb Says:

    Woops. Fixed. Thanks Kyle.

    I’ve not heard ‘About to Walk’ but I’ll be sure to check it out. Thanks for the suggestion.

  4. Doushura Says:

    For a more complete comments, I would advise you to be more detailed information, for example
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  5. d Says:

    i just downloaded his ep yesterday. it’s fantastic.

  6. Anonymous Says:

    Great, great song, but it was my song of the summer….last year. haha

  7. Derek Says:

    For the first time ever, I’ve beaten you to the punch. I found his album, Moonbeams and posted a dirty piracy link to it on my site last weekend. You are usually a step or two ahead of me, but on this one, I won.

    Seriously though, we are all winners when we get to listen to Throw Me The Statue. Excellent music.

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