Now I’m just standing still

I hate it, more than anything, when I overlook something or forget to listen to a record that I later get to, only to feel like an idiot for wasting time without it. This was the case with the impossibly catchy new record from a band called Synthar. Just who is Synthar, you ask? Why, I’m glad you did, good reader! Synthar is a band, as you might’ve guessed, built around synthesizers and fronted by a man named Johnny Bertram. You may know Johnny from previous bloggings, or from Peace on Earth (to which he contributed an amazing track).

I suppose it should come as no surprise how good this record is. The Bertram solo records were exactly like this: silent sleeper cells of songwriting perfection, wiing to be unearthed by the hardened heart of a reluctant listener. The songs are all at once Genesis and Boards of Canada, as glacial and growling as Bedhead at moments and as cheery and dance-inspiring as Say Hi, or Architecture in Helsinki on synthroids.

I really can’t reccomend this record enough, please, I beg of you just pick it up. It’s rare that you find a record from a band this unknown that is this special.Get in on the ground floor for once, people. Synthar may very well be the most essential band you’ve not heard of. Buy it in swanky packaging or drm free mp3’s at the bands site, also one dollar of each record sold goes to Habitat for Humanity…..seriously freaking buy it.

[mp3] Synthar – Beating Drum
[mp3] Synthar – Standing Still


2 Responses to “Now I’m just standing still”

  1. Jr. Says:

    I’m buying this tonight. Very awesome.

  2. David Hildreth Says:

    I got mine a little while back, and you’re right this packaging is swanky.

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