Maybe if I lay low

To put it very bluntly and without much poetic effort: there aren’t many bands I love more than Someone Still Loves you Boris Yeltsin. There are few bands who write more subtly addictive melodies, such sweet harmonies, and such perfect sing-alongs than the Missouri quartet.

Often bands come along and people wax poetic about their “Beatles-esque songs.” What this really means is that they make purposely lo-fi records and play viola basses while trying to sound like the Beatles. Then there are bands like Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin, who write the kind of melodies that harken Paul & John’s effortless sense of perfection with the same amount of ease. Frontmen Phillip Dickey & John Caldwell is completely unaware, I think, of how wonderful the melodies he writes are, and that is precisely what makes them so special; there is no pretension or effort to be great, it just happens.

Below is a song from the band’s debut 2005 LP Broom (‘Pangea’), A b-side (‘Let’s Get Tired’), & a brand new song, titled Glue Girls, from their second LP Pershing (April – Polyvinyl). It’s a wonderful new look at the band’s progression; same great melodies, only with far superior fidelity than the band’s previous efforts (thanks, Walla).

[mp3] Someone Still Loves you Boris Yeltsin – Pangea
[mp3] Someone Still Loves you Boris Yeltsin – Let’s Get Tired
[mp3] Someone Still Loves you Boris Yeltsin – Glue Girls

Buy Someone Still Loves you Boris Yeltsin Music

9 Responses to “Maybe if I lay low”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    I’ve been a fan of SSLYBY for a while now too. I’m loving Glue Girls!

  2. Anonymous Says:

    oh yea.. this is about Pershing:

  3. Anonymous Says:

    awesome. I can’t even tell you. My boyfriend just randomly happened upon “Metal Hearts” on myspace so I was googling them and came across your blog. Such GREAT musical taste!

    I am FLOORED. Keep it up. Music is blood to me, it’s air, and finding new music is what keeps me alive.-Laci

  4. Caleb Says:

    Why thank you. Glad to be of service.

    Metal Hearts are/were a very good band

  5. Kasper Says:

    Wow, love the new design… the blog means business.

  6. Blade Says:

    The new layout looks fantastic, I’m glad to see that the aesthetic has finally caught up to the blogging.

  7. Elgin Braden Says:

    it seem we share the same love SSLYBY and this new song is awesome.

  8. Anonymous Says:

    Do you have friends in Missouri? More specifically, Springfield? I go see SSLYBY every time I get the chance since they live so close to my own home. I think I hear them play every now and then. It’s wonderful.

  9. Caleb Says:

    I don’t, but I need to make some so I can make the drive to see a show. Never had the privilege.

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