Holy inactivity, Batman!

After promising to return to normal blogging mode, I did for a week and then took another week vacation….lame, I know.

The good news is: i’m for real this time, no more first week of school to distract me. On to the cooler things:

In the next few months at HTFAF:

  • This site will be much easier to read and much prettier to look at
  • There will be the unveiling of a very exciting and very exclusive new feature.
  • I will not take long vacations, I swear.

See you tomorrow,

2 Responses to “Holy inactivity, Batman!”

  1. Blade Says:

    How about an mp3? Please?

  2. JohnatGist Says:

    Welcome back, dude. I was wondering where you’d been. I check your blog every day.

    Now get back to work. Ha. 😉

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