
It’s nice to be back, my extended Holiday vacation after my year end list was wonderful. Peace on Earth was a great success and felt wonderful, thank you for that. In case you missed it we raised about $3,150.00 for Toys for Tots.

I’d like to jump back in to regular blogging with a mixtape of what I have been listening to nonstop these past few weeks. No more time to write, the debates are on!

[mp3] Okkervil River – Listening to Otis Redding… (Buy)
[mp3] Someone Still Loves you Boris Yeltsin – Half-Awake (Buy)
[mp3] Grizzly Bear – Deep Blue Sea (Buy)
[mp3] Elliott Smith – Angel in the Snow (Buy)
[mp3] Death Cab for Cutie – The New Year (Buy)
[mp3] Via Audio – Oh Blah Wee (Buy)
[mp3] White Rabbits – Kid on My Shoulders (Buy)
[mp3] Arctic Monkeys – Flourescent Adolescent (Buy)
[mp3] Radiohead – 4 Minute Warning (Buy)

2 Responses to “Hello!”

  1. themostbrianever Says:

    Thanks, Caleb.

    My take on the Republican side of the debate:


  2. Caleb Says:

    Cool, thanks Brian.

    Looks like we agree on how those ones went. What a bunch of narrow-minded clueless individuals.

    Bush bots, the lot of ’em, save for Paul.

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