Two songs guaranteed to lift the Monday blues

If the groove of the guitar and the walking bass in Know How doesn’t get you, surely the amazingly hard-to-resist sing along nature of Anyone Else But You will. Seriously if these two don’t get you smiling and nodding or moving some part of your body then you have problems besides being tired and/or depressed that it’s Monday.

[mp3] Kings of Convenience & Feist – Know How
[mp3] The Moldy Peaches – Anyone Else But You

A side note: Anyone Else But You makes an awesome cameo in an even more awesome trailer for the upcoming film Juno starring Ellen Page and Michael Cera.

Buy Kings of Convenience records
Buy Moldy Peaches records
Buy Feist records

4 Responses to “Two songs guaranteed to lift the Monday blues”

  1. Katieshmatie Says:

    !!! I saw the Juno trailer and tried to google what the song was and now I found it without even trying! You are my hero.

  2. Kasper Says:

    Aaahh thanks a million… i was feeling the monday blues in a bad way, and those songs really helped lift the grey cloud that had been hovering above my head all day.

    – Kasper

    PS: Would appreciate it if you would pay a visit

  3. Pablo Says:

    Juno is quite an amazing movie. Saw a pre-screening. Great movie. Great soundtrack.

  4. bizzle Says:

    Moldy Peaches is heavily featured in the entire JUNO movie!!! I was pleasantly surprised 🙂

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