Josh Rouse @ Grimey’s : Nashville, TN : 9.15.07

I had reasonably high expectations for today’s in-store performance by Josh Rouse at Grimey’s, I’m an avid fan of the singer/songwriter’s work, and cherish a lot of his work (Namely Nashville). For some reason I hadn’t picked up Rouse’s latest record Country Mouse, City House. I knew it was out, I knew I wanted to get it, but I just never did. This would prove to be a large mistake as the afternoon unfolded.

It was a great day for music: cool, breezy, and sunny, the ultra-confined spaces of a Grimey’s in-store for someone as popular as Mr. Rouse was a bit of a worry, but there was enough of a breeze from the opened door to keep things from getting hostile. Then there was the music: I can’t help but thing Josh is making the kind of soul-laced folk-pop that Wilco has been shooting for. The bass lines are thick, wurlitzer, rhodes, and organ weave their way in and out of the intricate and memorable melodies, and Josh’s immediately recognizable vocals pierce through the mix with perfect intonation.

Today’s set relied heavily on the new record but dipped into older pieces such as His Majesty Rides, the borderline Michael Mcdonald sounding funk anthem. Songs like Snowy, London Bridge, and Hollywood Bass Player were especially great to hear in a live setting. Josh’s voice is even more pleasing in person, and his band is all but flawless without ever feeling robotic, taking time to lay down solo’s a plenty.

If you haven’t picked up Country Mouse, City House or any of Josh’s wonderful record’s for that matter, pick some up from insound or straight from the man himself, like now. If you’re in Nashville swing by Grimey’s and pick some up, and thank them for hosting awesome and free in-store’s. Below is an mp3 from the new record and some video I took at the show (kind of not-great, dig. cam. video but hey, better than nothing)

[mp3] Josh Rouse – London Bridges

4 Responses to “Josh Rouse @ Grimey’s : Nashville, TN : 9.15.07”

  1. Aubrey Says:

    So….I was there, and thought I recognized you from your little comment picture and saw you taking pictures and wanted to say hi….but got scared….so hi!

  2. bpp Says:

    that’s pretty cool stuff. i’m a huge rouse fan.

  3. Any major dude with half a heart Says:

    I’m so jealous. I love Rouse (though the last two albums were a little…slight), but there is no chance in hell the man will ever play in South Africa.

    I once met another Rouse fan here. All the other people I know who’ve heard of him did so through my influence.

  4. Anonymous Says:

    So, did he ask to tape you and yr girlfriend having sex?

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