Pitchfork gives music a 6.8

Via the Onion –
Pitchfork gives music a 6.8

CHICAGO—Music, a mode of creative expression consisting of sound and silence expressed through time, was given a 6.8 out of 10 rating in an review published Monday on Pitchfork Media, a well-known music-criticism website.

Pitchfork Gives Logo

According to the review, authored by Pitchfork editor in chief Ryan Schreiber, the popular medium that predates the written word shows promise but nonetheless “leaves the listener wanting more.” ….Keep reading.

This is without doubt the best article I have read all year, The Onion does it again. So hillarious.

In other news:
Midlake begins a short tour in a few weeks.
Hard to Find a Friend is going to Pygmalion Music Fest.
Iron & Wine announces a bonus disk

[mp3] Midlake – Young Bride | Buy
[mp3] Iron & Wine – Boy with a Coin | Buy

5 Responses to “Pitchfork gives music a 6.8”

  1. bpp Says:

    wow, as it turns out the Onion actually is so creative with their reviews of what other people do.

  2. John Larsen Says:

    Oh, wow. Thank you for posting that 😛 “namely the song ‘Peg’ by Steely Dan…” I think I died right there.

  3. hot2molly Says:

    It was inarguably inspired, yet fell a bit short of expectations for such a widely hyped eventuality. Like a Black-Footed Ferret stopping just short of procreation, interrupted by ADHD-like fragmented distractions of the Taco Bell and YouTube generation’s neglectful predecessors. We’re not giving up on The Onion yet. One more time around the bend will prove its ultimate destiny in the world of elitist hipster abuse.
    ‘Pitchfork Gives Music a 6.8’
    [The Onion]
    Rating: 7.2

  4. Daniel Says:

    hot2molly, please work on your satire. the inflated diction isn’t worth anything if it doesn’t have any “zing”.

  5. Anonymous Says:

    daniel, please work on your critique of satire, the lack of detail and constructive proposal both take away from your intended purpose.

    Rating: “fell a bit short for such a widely hyped eventuality”

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